Monday, September 9, 2013

The visit with the Lawry's

I tried to write this blog last night BUT I managed to screw up the computer, it took Gary a while to figure out what I had done.  I'm so talented with electronic gadgets.
Peggy, Judith, Cameron and Sylvia I started out the day at Snap Fitness, just about 3 miles down the road, no excuses there.  The gym was configured differently so it seemed strange, like driving someone else's car.  I tried to remember the workout routines, I just did upper body since we were planning to bicycle at Sunriver Saturday.  Gary and Dan putzed around doing maintenance on the coach, there's always something that needs to be tweeked.  In the afternoon Gary, Dan and I did a little shopping, Gary wanted some moccasins.  Since Talena (daughter that lives in Bend) was in charge of a major fundraising event we weren't able to see them.  Ethan started middle school on Tuesday, how do kids grow up so fast? Dinner that night we went to Smith Rock Brewing in Redmond.  "Delish", our server was a kick in the pants, she even gave us free onion rings.
Our bicycle ride in Sunriver didn't start out on a high note, Charlene started out ahead of the guys and me, I was between the two just starting to take off when I said "You guys are brave standing so close to me" when I fell over onto Dan and his bike.  The good news is I didn't hurt Dan or his bike but I ended up with a grapefruit size knot and bruise on my thigh and a scrape on my knee, I didn't cry and we forged on.  We rode over 6 miles, pretty flat trails past the stables, airport, river, golf course and lovely homes.  No more accidents occurred, by the time we finished I was getting steadier and more relaxed.  It has been several years since we visited Sunriver, the last time the Village was looking a little downtrodden, they've remodeled and of course we found another brew pub for lunch.  I enjoyed a lovely glass of water.  We walked to the Sharc Center, a new activity complex that includes a waterslide, lazy river and regular pools even something for the little ones. Outside they had a climbing wall and what looked like a sled hill.  Pretty cool.  Of course with the Lawry's being Beaver alum we came home to watch the Beavers get their first win, I didn't wear my Duck gear.  We had a lovely time in Bend but it was time to move onto Kennewick to visit with friends of over 35 years.   It was a lovely drive up through the wheatfields to the gorge, when we reached Biggs we were happy to see no wind.   We arrived in Kennewick about 4:00, the Browns had just gotten home Friday after a month long trip to Minnesota and were gracious enough to have company shortly after they arrived home.  The Browns have two active boxers that gave Luci a run for her money.  We had a nice visit getting caught up on "things", Mary served a nice dinner, being dog people too we watched all three tear around the yard.  Today is our 35th wedding anniversary so all four of us will go out to eat. TTFN

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