Thursday, September 19, 2013

Slowly making our way to Yellowstone

Corrections:  The mountains outside Chewelah were not 57,000 feet high, only 5700.  I got carried away with zeros.  The town close to Valley is Springdale not Silverdale.  BIG difference1

Monday Sept. 19'
We finally left Stacy's about 9:00am, we had a crazy night with thunderstorms and high winds.  Gary was concerned the trees around us might damage the coach so he disconnected and put in the middle of the drive.  Fortunately the storm held off until after the Seahawks game, which the won handily.
Just as we were getting ready to leave, Luci snagged a corn cob off the compost pile and despite our best efforts to take it away from her, she ate it.  We made it as far as Springdale to get propane at a café/bakery/propane dispenser.  A youngish gal came out to help us, expecting to fill up a little tank to find the coach.  She went back in looking for Frank.  Frank an older guy(older than us) came out, he was a character.  Then his wife came out holding a maple bar and cup of coffee, at first I thought with a propane fill up you got a snack, dang I was wrong.  Then off to Costco to fill up the coach, we finally left Spokane about 11:00  We were off through Palouse country heading for LoLo pass, the long way around but very scenic.  Then soon we had to break for lunch, we stopped at Washington States' oldest rest area, who knew?  Off again, only to stop in Colfax just down the road, we were looking for an easy geocache.  The one we found was Old Codgers, a four sided wood carved totem type pole with the names and faces of all the football players from the class of 1933.  Off again, this time as far as Lewiston, Id., we stopped at an overlook  above the city for of course another gc.  We went into Lewiston to dump our tanks at Stinkers Fuel Stop, I kid you not. We followed the Clearwater river up to a town in Kamaiah, right on the river.  As soon as we got there, Luci started throwing up.  She perked up when we took her down to the river to fetch sticks,but that didn't last long.  After a rough night we weren't sure if we should try for Missoula or find a local Vet. Don't eat corn cobs!  She was acting perkier so we left, following the Clearwater River almost to the top of LoLo pass, a beautiful drive.  Into Montana and Missoula, to Costco for gas and head out towards Butte.  Rain and wind happened, Gary was tired so we spent the night at Riverfront TV park in Garrison Jct.  Woke up to colder and nastier weather with fresh snow on the surrounding peaks.
Stacy's house, everything to the left of the porch was original.  Where we moved the coach during the storm.  Lewiston Id, from the overlook and Long Pole RV park in Kamaiah, Id.


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