Thursday, September 5, 2013

All the way to Bend

We spent our first two nights at Riverside Campground which is ironic since Gary retired from Riverside Engineering August 30th.  We left Salem finally about 3 after running errands, doing laundry and getting the last things out of the house.  We had the campground almost to ourselves, the first night we were there a single guy camping in a tent was quite a ways away and the second night a van was clear at the other end of the campground.  Luci had great fun jumping over logs and boulders on our walks along the river.  Carol and Ed Casciato were going to join us but Ed wasn't feeling up to it.  We decompressed all day Wednesday, our biggest chore was keeping the fire going.  Gary's bicycle friends joined us for dinner that night.  Denise had participated in the Iron Man Competition the weekend of our House Cooling party so they wanted to come up and say good bye.  I cannot believe how anyone in their right mind would wanted to do that, first she swam, I forget how far, then 112 miles biking uphill (at Whistler) then finished with a 26 mile run. 
For my "retirement" from Proctor and Gamble I was able to choose my retirement gift, I chose a bike since Gary is so involved in his biking.  I rode about a mile and a half all around the park.  Denise was quite impressed!
We arrived in Bend to a thunder and lightening storm just as we were pulling into Dan and Charlene's neighborhood.  I would have crawled under the bed but it's not possible in the motor home.  After a nice dinner we walked along the canal with the dogs.  We watched part of the Denver/Baltimore game (opening games of the NFL season), couldn't watch for too long, Denver was just trouncing them. 
Our spot in the woods.


  1. Glad to see you are on the road. Nice blog..have fun... see you down the line. Safe travels.

  2. Congratulations on your first successful blog! We will enjoy "traveling" with you.
