Monday, September 30, 2013

Thayne & Jackson Hole

Monday, Sept. 23-30,
We decided to stay in the RV park for the day to do some housekeeping and laundry, since the office was closed when we pulled in we had to wait until 10:00 to check in, it would have been too late to drive up to Jackson.
We drove into Jackson to look around the town.  We left Luci at the only doggie day care in town.  We walked into the visitor center where we got the "scoop" on Jackson vs Jackson Hole.  The town square was cool, at all four corners were antler arches, we were looking for a geo cache in the square but there were too many muggles.  The wind came up, the weather forecast was for it to get colder.  We picked up Luci (if you have to ask you can't afford it) the bill was $30.00 for about 4 hours.  She did have a good time, the rest of the evening she was very quiet.  On our way back to Thayne we were amazed at the fall foliage, yellows, reds, peachy and orange set amongst the rock formations.
The thunder storm they forecast hit with a vengeance about 3:00 am with strong wind and rain.  It continued on until about 6, when we opened the blinds the snow level was about 500 feet up the hills from us.  Brrrrrr  they say tomorrow will be colder.  I haven't gotten my blogs out due to very low cell strength but was worse after the storm.
We have the nicest neighbors in Salem, Brian and Susan, fortunately I'd given them a key to the house before we left.  All this cold weather I discovered I had left three coats in the coat closet, they were kind enough to pack them up and send it to us priority mail.  Thank you, thank you B & S.
Needless to say we didn't stray too far from the RV park, did some laundry, Gary got a haircut and a flu shot and picked up a couple of geo caches, the wind was blowing and it was COLD!
We are heading out of this cold country.
We woke up to light snow, it wasn't sticking at 6000 feet but we had three passes to go over that were 7000 feet plus.  We headed for Rawlins, Wy. over 300 miles away.  It was even colder there!  Spent the night and woke up to 28 degrees and wind.  I want out of Wyoming, note to self, don't go to Wyoming in the fall.  We picked up a geo cache at historic Wyoming State Penintentiary, ended the evening watching a lopsided college football game.
Off to warmer weather, Denver is70 degrees!  Ahhhh.   We had a tail wind all the way to Laramie. We are staying at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, a suburb SE of Denver proper.
Not a good day, I woke up with some kind of a bug, spent most of the day laying around and watching football. There is a multipurpose path around the base so Gary went for a bike ride.
Bug is gone!  I helped Gary wash and dry the coach.  We learned our lesson last spring in Barstow, after washing the coach it dried with water spots everywhere.  I love going to the commissary at military bases, the prices are a little lower but the atmosphere is just "different"  We BBQ'd  a steak that turned out perfect.  We signed up Luci for day care tomorrow, I asked this time how much, we're going into Denver to check the city out and take the US Mint tour. TTFN

Leaving Yellowstone

Sunday, Sept. 22

We left Gardiner around 10:00, a balmy 58 degrees.  We went to the West Thumb part of Yellowstone at the end of Yellowstone Lake.  The craziest thing happened as we drove in, a tour bus full of Japanese (?) were unloading as we pulled in.  A man and two women were quite taken with the coach, taking pictures and oohing and aahhing.  As Gary got out he invited them inside with me.  They didn't speak a lick of English, but were chattering away in their native language, taking turns having their picture taken with me.  It was fun watching their reactions.  The West Thumb is not as active as the rest of the part, although they had some interesting geothermal action, some were in the lake itself, all you could see were ripples in the water.  We saw herd of buffalo, three of which were real close to the road.  One was laying down then started rolling in the dust and getting up to shake off, it was nice of him to do a show for us.  As we drove into Teton National Park the mountains were just spectacular then into the funky town of Jackson (Hole).  We had to ask why do some people say Jackson and other (most) say Jackson Hole.  The town itself is Jackson but the area is Jackson Hole.  We were staying in a RV park in our membership group about 50 minutes south of Jackson.  We followed the Snake River, some of the rapids looked pretty scary then you'd see inviting smooth waters.  We arrived in Thayne, a town of 366 at an elevation of almost 6000 feet, the weather was delightful 33 degrees.  The area Thayne and several other small towns were in Star Valley, they must do a big tourist trade in the summer.  We chose to stay there it was only $11.00 a night vs  $45. in Gardiner. Location location location.  Sure glad we put the electric blanket on the bed.  TTFN

 Paint pots at West Thumb,  Old Faithful, Old Faithful Inn, and the buffalo who put on the show for us.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Friday, Sept. 20

We started out the day in Mammoth Hot Springs, there were no elk in the village on our way through.  I'd overheard they had been there earlier.  The Mammoth Hot Springs have three terraces, a lower, middle and upper.  We walked the lower terrace, the water cascaded down the colorful rocks, creating a sheen on the rocks.  We decided to try the upper terrace, it looked flat, Not.  We looked down upon the springs, then, against my better judgment, we walked down over 100 stairs, I'm glad I did, there was a terrace that had pools of differing colors then the water cascaded down over the smooth rocks, again making a sheen appearance.  Further down the road we went to Sheepeater Cliff.  The lava cliff has been there for over 500,000. The Shoshone Indians nick name was Sheepeater.  One of our favorite spots is Fountain Paint Spot, bubbily mud in various colors and some springs.  We finally made it to Old Faithful, as we turned into the parking area it was erupting, that gave us 90 minutes to kill.  Old Faithful Inn is a log building, we don't know what year it was built, it had a huge 4 sided stone fireplace an amazing pendulum clock probably 20 feet tall. the dining room was huge, seats over 500 guests.  Since we had some time to kill we thought eating some ice cream would help full that void.  We weren't disappointed, it was supposed to go off at 5:20, plus or minus ten minutes.  It was about 5:04.  There are several rows of benches around part of the viewing area and they were full.  It was amazing.  We made  it back to the coach about 6:30, poor Luci had been inside all that time, Patsy, a neighbor in the parked walked her a few times.  Still we felt guilty.

Saturday, Sept. 21at

We were pretty tired after two solid days in that altitude so we stayed "home" to do much needed housekeeping plus to spend some quality time with Luci.  We took her geocacheing in a couple of places where we could let her run.  We spent the rest of the time getting ready to move to Thayne, Wy.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Finally, Yellowston

Wednesday Sept. 17
We started out our day later than planned, our bodies are still on PDT so we slept in.  We chose the Tower-Roosevelt route since Luci was in the car, it is mostly driving, we made a lot of stops so she had to stay in the car most of the day.  The day was cool and breezy, she could stay in the car without roasting.  Along the way we saw a herd of bison, several waterfalls and a petrified tree thousands of years old.  There is a petrified forest you can "hike" to, a mile and a half in length that takes 3-4 hours. It is straight up with no switchbacks, we passed on that, we'd have had to leave Luci in the car too long.(right)  Our ultimate destination was the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.  We chose the north rim trail, the lower falls plummet over 300 feet into the canyon below.  The rocks on the canyon walls were amazingly beautiful.  Inspiration Point was truly inspirational, you see pictures of Yellowstone, they just don't do it justice.  The canyon itself is 20 miles long with a depth of over 1000 feet, the canyon lava flow is over 400,000 years old.  My feelings are it is much prettier than the Grand Canyon.  On our way back we stopped at Norris Geyser basin, it was our first real look at the geo thermal areas.  The boardwalks thru the area weren't too steep(mostly)  We learned that the earthquakes keep the geysers active, if they stopped all the holes would close up, Norris has the most earthquake activity in the park.  The water is 200 degrees plus, there are signs all over warning people not to enter the thermal area, about a dozen people have died walking into the geyser area.  Hmm, natural selection perhaps.  Full disclosure here, I did feel the water in a shallow pond, it felt like bathwater.  The many colors yellow, emerald-green, dark brown "rust", red and dark blackish green are caused by the acidity and algae.  On our way back to the RV park in Gardiner, Mt. we had to go through Mammoth Hot Springs where elk hang out.  A bull elk with a huge rack of horns was herding his "girls" across the street then proceeded to have a tussell with one of them.  An amazing site to see. 
Scenes from the canyon, this is the place I stuck my finger in the water and Norris Geyser.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Still on our way to Yellowstone

Tuesday, Sept. 16.

We left Garrison Jct. about 10:00, heading for our ultimate destination; Yellowstone.  We passed over the Continental Divide 6393feet.  This is my first time in Montana, I was surprised how pretty it is.  We got to Gardiner about 3:00, the RV park is right on the Yellowstone river.  The town is very touristy with a bit of western theme.  After we got parked, we drove into the park, one mile, to pick up the brochures so we could plan our visit.  Since it was National Cheeseburger Day we went to dinner at the Antler Pub and Grill, a cute place but too many dead animals on the walls to suit me.
Weather is in the low 40's with a brisk wind, there is fresh snow on the peaks around us. The north entrance to Yellowstone National Park.

Slowly making our way to Yellowstone

Corrections:  The mountains outside Chewelah were not 57,000 feet high, only 5700.  I got carried away with zeros.  The town close to Valley is Springdale not Silverdale.  BIG difference1

Monday Sept. 19'
We finally left Stacy's about 9:00am, we had a crazy night with thunderstorms and high winds.  Gary was concerned the trees around us might damage the coach so he disconnected and put in the middle of the drive.  Fortunately the storm held off until after the Seahawks game, which the won handily.
Just as we were getting ready to leave, Luci snagged a corn cob off the compost pile and despite our best efforts to take it away from her, she ate it.  We made it as far as Springdale to get propane at a cafĂ©/bakery/propane dispenser.  A youngish gal came out to help us, expecting to fill up a little tank to find the coach.  She went back in looking for Frank.  Frank an older guy(older than us) came out, he was a character.  Then his wife came out holding a maple bar and cup of coffee, at first I thought with a propane fill up you got a snack, dang I was wrong.  Then off to Costco to fill up the coach, we finally left Spokane about 11:00  We were off through Palouse country heading for LoLo pass, the long way around but very scenic.  Then soon we had to break for lunch, we stopped at Washington States' oldest rest area, who knew?  Off again, only to stop in Colfax just down the road, we were looking for an easy geocache.  The one we found was Old Codgers, a four sided wood carved totem type pole with the names and faces of all the football players from the class of 1933.  Off again, this time as far as Lewiston, Id., we stopped at an overlook  above the city for of course another gc.  We went into Lewiston to dump our tanks at Stinkers Fuel Stop, I kid you not. We followed the Clearwater river up to a town in Kamaiah, right on the river.  As soon as we got there, Luci started throwing up.  She perked up when we took her down to the river to fetch sticks,but that didn't last long.  After a rough night we weren't sure if we should try for Missoula or find a local Vet. Don't eat corn cobs!  She was acting perkier so we left, following the Clearwater River almost to the top of LoLo pass, a beautiful drive.  Into Montana and Missoula, to Costco for gas and head out towards Butte.  Rain and wind happened, Gary was tired so we spent the night at Riverfront TV park in Garrison Jct.  Woke up to colder and nastier weather with fresh snow on the surrounding peaks.
Stacy's house, everything to the left of the porch was original.  Where we moved the coach during the storm.  Lewiston Id, from the overlook and Long Pole RV park in Kamaiah, Id.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Visit with Stacy and Barbara

Mon. Sept.9
We had a fun anniversary with Gerry and Mary, we started with champagne in their backyard patio area, the heat had subsided to make it a pleasant evening to sit outside.  Gary bought some LED lighted butterflies to sit outside the coach.  I gave him a romantic gift, 7 audio books I bought for $2.00 apiece at the Kennewick Public Library, he was pleased now we don't have to talk as we go down the road.  We had small plates (appetizers) at the Crow's Nest and Ice Harbor Brewing on Clover Island on the Columbia River,  we had a great view of the river and our waitperson was a lot of fun.  I shared one of Gerry's raw oysters.  We finished the evening on their patio again sitting by the fire and sipping adult beverages.
Tues. Sept. 10
We left for Chewelah around 10, made a special trip to Costco for $3.39 a gallon gas. It was worth the trip, gas in Spokane is about $3.75.  The drive from the Tri-cities is pretty ugly desert scape for around 100 miles until you start entering the Spokane area of pine trees and rock.  We always go thru Spokane instead of the backroads the kids take, it seems longer.  (One of those famous shortcuts).
We had lunch at the Sprague rest area, picked up one geocache.  It was the beginning of several days of 90 plus days.  We got to Stacy and Barbara's about 4, Stacy had built  a RV pad for us, very nice.  It was good to see them again, it had been since last Thanksgiving.  The kids have 40 acres outside of the town of Valley, halfway between Silverdale and Chewelah.  If you're wondering where Chewelah is, it is north of Spokane on Hwy 395 halfway between Spokane and the Canadian border.  As we pulled in we chased of a herd (?)of wild turkeys on the lane to their house.  Since we've been here we have seen the turkeys of course, an owl, deer and heard coyotes down in the fields.  Luci isn't fond of their sound.  Stacy and Barbara bought the property and "house" about 10 years ago, my first thought about the house that a match would improve it.  Stacy has done an amazing job, it was so tiny at first I don't know how 5 people were able to live there, the house was 2 story tall and skinny with a over hang that the previous owner had kept her  horses under.  The first thing he did was add a front porch and living room, then dug a basement and a new living area with vaulted ceilings and a lovely master suite with a Jacuzzi and walk in shower.
Wed. Sept. 11
Since the kids were working and at school we entertained ourselves.  We drove into Spokane so I could work out at Snap, then had lunch at Elk Public House, a restaurant that was featured on Dives, Diners and Drive-ins.  It lived up to it's hype, yum yum.  Thursday we stuck close to "home" doing housekeeping and coach maintenance. Friday we did more of the same but I went into the Farmers Market in Chewelah, wonderful organic food.  They were selling puppies and rabbits but I figured I wouldn't have a house if I brought them home.
Sat. Sept. 14
Gary, Stacy and I took a hike up to the top of the ski hill just 10 minutes up the road from downtown Chewelah.  Our first hike was up to the newest chair lift, only 54700 ft elevation, it didn't looked too steep hiking up but looks were deceiving.  Our next hike was to the top, 57000 feet, a little longer walk but not quite as steep.  It was pretty hazy but you could see the valley and mountains all around.  We found a geocache at the top, close to a survey monument set in 1933.
Barbara and Patti had to go to Connell for a parade.  Granddaughter  Patti was selected as a Distinguished Young Woman (formerly known as the Junior Miss contest)  She is an amazing young lady, she's been in foster care since she was three, with our kids about 5 years now.  She is ASB president, 6th in her class, a hard worker and a very sensible young lady, she doesn't want Facebook. (Good for her)  Granddaughter Eleisha, will turn 21 tomorrow, has been in school to become a pastry chef, works at Safeway, she made her first wedding cake for a customer.  I only saw pictures but it looked lovely.  We ended the evening playing Phase 10, a type of rummy game
Sunday Sept. 15.
We are expecting thunder storms tonight, ending our hot weather.  I'll atleast have a bed to crawl under.  We are celebrating Elisha's birthday this afternoon.  Yet to come, the Seahawk/49er game at 5:00, it should be a good one.  Tomorrow we leave for Yellowstone, it will be a big cool down, only 59 degrees expected Tuesday, we'll be heading south to Lewiston then over to Missoula via the LoLo  pass. TTFN  Top: Gerry, Mary and Gary on the patio, next: Gerry, Mary and Gary saying good-bye next; the new RV pad; next; Stacy and me atop the ski hill and the whole clan; Stacy, Barbara, Eleisha, Patti and me on the front porch.

Monday, September 9, 2013


I forgot to add the pictures.  Saying good-bye to Lawry's and view of wind machines coming into the gorge from Hwy 97.

The visit with the Lawry's

I tried to write this blog last night BUT I managed to screw up the computer, it took Gary a while to figure out what I had done.  I'm so talented with electronic gadgets.
Peggy, Judith, Cameron and Sylvia I started out the day at Snap Fitness, just about 3 miles down the road, no excuses there.  The gym was configured differently so it seemed strange, like driving someone else's car.  I tried to remember the workout routines, I just did upper body since we were planning to bicycle at Sunriver Saturday.  Gary and Dan putzed around doing maintenance on the coach, there's always something that needs to be tweeked.  In the afternoon Gary, Dan and I did a little shopping, Gary wanted some moccasins.  Since Talena (daughter that lives in Bend) was in charge of a major fundraising event we weren't able to see them.  Ethan started middle school on Tuesday, how do kids grow up so fast? Dinner that night we went to Smith Rock Brewing in Redmond.  "Delish", our server was a kick in the pants, she even gave us free onion rings.
Our bicycle ride in Sunriver didn't start out on a high note, Charlene started out ahead of the guys and me, I was between the two just starting to take off when I said "You guys are brave standing so close to me" when I fell over onto Dan and his bike.  The good news is I didn't hurt Dan or his bike but I ended up with a grapefruit size knot and bruise on my thigh and a scrape on my knee, I didn't cry and we forged on.  We rode over 6 miles, pretty flat trails past the stables, airport, river, golf course and lovely homes.  No more accidents occurred, by the time we finished I was getting steadier and more relaxed.  It has been several years since we visited Sunriver, the last time the Village was looking a little downtrodden, they've remodeled and of course we found another brew pub for lunch.  I enjoyed a lovely glass of water.  We walked to the Sharc Center, a new activity complex that includes a waterslide, lazy river and regular pools even something for the little ones. Outside they had a climbing wall and what looked like a sled hill.  Pretty cool.  Of course with the Lawry's being Beaver alum we came home to watch the Beavers get their first win, I didn't wear my Duck gear.  We had a lovely time in Bend but it was time to move onto Kennewick to visit with friends of over 35 years.   It was a lovely drive up through the wheatfields to the gorge, when we reached Biggs we were happy to see no wind.   We arrived in Kennewick about 4:00, the Browns had just gotten home Friday after a month long trip to Minnesota and were gracious enough to have company shortly after they arrived home.  The Browns have two active boxers that gave Luci a run for her money.  We had a nice visit getting caught up on "things", Mary served a nice dinner, being dog people too we watched all three tear around the yard.  Today is our 35th wedding anniversary so all four of us will go out to eat. TTFN

Thursday, September 5, 2013

All the way to Bend

We spent our first two nights at Riverside Campground which is ironic since Gary retired from Riverside Engineering August 30th.  We left Salem finally about 3 after running errands, doing laundry and getting the last things out of the house.  We had the campground almost to ourselves, the first night we were there a single guy camping in a tent was quite a ways away and the second night a van was clear at the other end of the campground.  Luci had great fun jumping over logs and boulders on our walks along the river.  Carol and Ed Casciato were going to join us but Ed wasn't feeling up to it.  We decompressed all day Wednesday, our biggest chore was keeping the fire going.  Gary's bicycle friends joined us for dinner that night.  Denise had participated in the Iron Man Competition the weekend of our House Cooling party so they wanted to come up and say good bye.  I cannot believe how anyone in their right mind would wanted to do that, first she swam, I forget how far, then 112 miles biking uphill (at Whistler) then finished with a 26 mile run. 
For my "retirement" from Proctor and Gamble I was able to choose my retirement gift, I chose a bike since Gary is so involved in his biking.  I rode about a mile and a half all around the park.  Denise was quite impressed!
We arrived in Bend to a thunder and lightening storm just as we were pulling into Dan and Charlene's neighborhood.  I would have crawled under the bed but it's not possible in the motor home.  After a nice dinner we walked along the canal with the dogs.  We watched part of the Denver/Baltimore game (opening games of the NFL season), couldn't watch for too long, Denver was just trouncing them. 
Our spot in the woods.