Thursday, November 20, 2014

Winter days in Rockport

Well the promised cold snap arrived, it's so cold the mosquitos need jackets!  We haven't been able to do our morning walk along Fulton Beach Road, I've been to Snap several times but it's not as much fun as our strolls along the waterfront.   The fat quarter (fabric) I ordered arrived from Nebraska so I've been able to do some quilting.

 Wednesday night the new cook here at the park made her first dinner.  She prepared meatloaf, gravy, broccoli, rolls and pumpkin pie all for $6.00 each.  What a bargain and it was delish!  I thought it was pretty brave of her to do meatloaf right off the bang, everyone has their own favorite.  Of course before dinner we have our happy hour, it just started pouring rain so Gary raced back to the coach to close the big slide to see if that would stop the leak.  It did, although just temporary, when we slid it back out the deluge started again.  We found out our appointment at the Fleetwood factory in Decatur, In. is on April 6th.  The company has a Class C  MH we can use while the work is going on.  It changed our itinerary but       Oh Well!

At Friday night happy hour we met a couple from Eugene, Oregon, Bill and I forgot her name.  After happy hour Bob and Sharon, Bill and ?? and Gary and I crossed the Aransas Bay Bridge to Lamar to have dinner at Pops.  It had the usual tavern fare but pretty tasty.  I'll have to find out Bill's wife's name before the next get together. 

Saturday was our first potluck of the winter.  Of course it was preceded by happy hour.  My newest best friend Angie had brought some home made canned bread and butter pickles.  I raved about them so much she "made" me take the leftovers home. Mmmmmmm.

Sunday it was still cold, I stayed in and quilted and watched football, Gary pretty much paced, he had cabin fever big time.  Our Seahawks lost.  We skipped the ice cream social but did play Pegs and Jokers after.

Monday night we had Dick and Gail over for a grilled salmon dinner  that Micah (our son-in-law) caught on the Columbia River last August.  Their last permanent residence was in Tacoma so I figured they would appreciate some good old northwest fish. Thanks, Micah.  The weather is slowly getting warmer.

Have you ever seen a tour bus pull up and unload a bunch of "old" folks?  Well we are now a member of that group.  At 6:00am Wednesday we got on Big Time  Travels tour bus for Progresso Mexico with Bob and Sharon and Steve and Marty, an almost 400 mile rt, crossing over at Brownsville.  We arrived about 10,unloaded and headed off shopping.  Progresso is a normal Mexican border town, dirty and dusty, shops and vendors lined up on sidewalks, people hawking their wares as you walk by.  There is big business here for dentists and pharmacies, including animal pharmacies.  Several people from the bus really loaded up on prescription drugs.  I almost bought some heartworm medicine for Luci but decided against, the packaging looked different, I just didn't want her to take something I wasn't sure about.  Before lunch, Sharon and I decided to have a $7.00 manicure, the nail salon was located right next to (one of many, many) pharmacies.  The pharmacy had a dancing pharmacist out front, a cute little guy about 2 danced with him, a car pulled up and a lady jumps out of the back seat and dances too.  My manicure was finished, as I was waiting for Sharon,  I noticed Gary across the street taking a picture of the guy.  So what else  could I do but jump up and go outside for my dance.  What I didn't realize, Gary was taking a video.  If you can't pick up the video from my pic's, log onto Gary's facebook page if you'd like to see me making a fool of myself.  The six of us had lunch at Alturro's, supposedly the best restaurant in town, it was good, at first I was afraid it might be expensive since they had linen tablecloths.  The prices weren't too bad and the food was good with some entrees having a different twist.  And the margarita's!  Yum Yum Yum.  Our bus left 3:00, we got through customs fairly quickly and left the border about 4:00.  I was taking a nice little nap when the bus made a stop at a produce plus souvenir stand.  I stayed on huddled under my blanket trying to snooze when Gary knocked on the window wanted me to come out and see some pottery.  He was looking for a pot to hold an outdoor plant in town but nothing was just "right" but he found the perfect one there.  Back on the bus, snoozing again till the rest area.  We ended up getting home to Bayview about 8:00.  Our tour guide, Judy, was a real kick and real tall, the bus driver Gail reminded us of our 92 year old neighbor's son.  Thanks to Dick and Gail for taking care of Luci!  They said she was a real gem, made me wonder who's dog they'd taken care of.

That's it for this week,


Gary and Pam
                                          typical happy hour
                                         My filthy car after the rain
                                          Gary and Luci in new dog yard across from our spot
                                         Home sweet home in Bayview
                                         Views from Fulton Beach Road
                                         Huddled over Blue Herron, brrrr
                                         Luci on one of the fishing piers
                                          I just love this house along Fulton Beach Rd
                                         Texans are mighty proud of their state
                                          Egret we saw on our walk
                                         Aransas Bay bridge under consruction
                                           Downtown Progresso
                                         Sidewalk vendors
                                         If you want to see me being silly, watch this
                                          Lunch at Alturro's, l to r, Marty, Sharon, Bob, me Gary and Steve
                                         The end of the trip, Gary, me, Judy and Gail

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