Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our first week in Rockport

We are enjoying being back in Rockport getting together with friends.  We just love the Gulf area, the smells, the sunshine and beauty.  We haven't any sightseeing, just hung around the park and Rockport. 

Thursday, Nov. 6th,  We've been starting our day walking a 3 mile round trip along Fulton Beach Road, I kept meaning to take some pictures of our scenic route, but I only remember when we round the curve to Aransas (pronounced a-ran-ses) Bay.  We generally spot egrets, blue herons, gulls of course, and the nutty pelicans.  It is so funny to watch the pelicans flying along then just dive into the water like they're committing hari kari.  The weather forecast has been for heavy rain, they nailed it.  It's a bit sloppy around here.  After dinner we played Pegs and Jokers, with Bill and Carol, Gail and RJ and a new couple we just met, Pat and Ron. 

Friday, Nov. 7th, Boy did we get the rain they forecast, about 2 inches in a little over 24 hours.  We pretty much just hung around the coach until 4.  Happy Hour Friday.  I tried a new recipe, marinated skirt steak, kind of an oriental flavor, it was just ok, I probably won't make it again.

Saturday, Nov. 8th, We woke up to a beautiful day, Gary rode 17 miles, up to the donut shop in
Rockport and back.  Luci and I did our morning walk on the beach road, I don't know what her problem was, I had to drag her most of the 3 miles.  It was a bit hot and muggy but I think she felt it wasn't right without Gary.  We went up to La Mar with RJ and Gail and Bob and Sharon, across the bay from here, maybe 6 miles.  They were holding a Saturday Market, we had visions of craft vendors and were sorely disappointed when most of the "stuff" looked like garage sale fodder. They were serving lunch, we all had the brisket sandwich and a beer. Good friends, good food and a beautiful day, it doesn't get any better than that.  After dinner we went to the clubhouse to play Mexican Train with Bill, Carol and Alice.  Oh and the Ducks won!

Sunday, Nov. 9th, Another beautiful day for our walk along the beach road.  Last year when we were here the weather was way below average so we didn't have any issues with mosquitos.  This year since it's been so nice the mosquitos are armed with bayonets.  They usually don't bother me, I guess they don't like my blood, but Gary must be really deliscious!  Since it's Sunday, it 's ice cream social time and we followed that up with another few rounds of Pegs and Jokers.  For dinner I cooked the pork chops I'd bought at Pawlek's Meat Market, they were just as good as I remembered.  Last year when we left here for Tucson in January I'd stocked up  with several packages to enjoy on the road.

Monday, Nov. 10th, Oh, just another day in Paradise, started the day with our usual walk, this time Gary went along so Luci was happy.  (yes, she does rule our lives)   I got sad news today, my friend Jane passed away after a short bout with cancer.  She was the matriarch of our Red Hat group, one of the loveliest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.  I had just put a card in the mail for her when I got the e-mail she was gone.  Jane, you will be missed.

Tuesday, Nov. 11th,  Remember all the rain we had earlier in the week?  I failed to mention our leak was back with a vengeance!  Gary jury rigged up a drip system to keep the water from getting everywhere.  He filled up a bowl (see picture) that he had to dump several times.  Well, we were able to get an appointment at Ron Hoover RV to hopefully fix the issue since the guys in Coburg ultimately failed.  We had to have the coach there by 8:00, oh man, we usually are barely up by then.  I hate alarm clocks!  Gary has spent a lot of time with Fleetwood Service back in Decatur, In., trying to sort out the problem.  Way back last Febuary I was telling Ray (our salesman) that I wouldn't buy another Fleetwood product, back in the late 70's our travel trailer was a Prowler (Fleetwood product) somehow got a hole on top, leaked water for a period of time, when we discovered the floor was soft we had to have them actually take the entire trailer apart to put in a new floor since it was just particle board the glue just melted.  Then last year we had that issue with our old coach and now this.  What I didn't realize at the time I said that I was standing in the coach we really liked and it was a Fleetwood.

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