Friday, November 28, 2014

Our week in Rockport

We can't believe our time in Rockport is half over.  Time does fly.

Thursday morning we started the day off with a walk along Fulton Beach Road, another pretty day here.  We followed a blue heron down the water, every time we would get close he would fly off to the next fishing pier.  I've included a picture of him and also the wind swept live oak trees along the waterfront.  Thursday night is our normal pegs and jokers game, always fun but more fun when the "girls" win. 

Friday Gary took me to Snap while he drove to the auto parts store to pick up some brake pads.  Bill, one of the "guys" we play J & P with, is one of those fellows that can do everything.  He is going to replace the brakes on the Jeep Saturday.  Happy Hour Friday!  I made a salmon ball for appetizers, it was pretty tasty even if I do say so my self. After we went across the highway with Bob and Sharon for BBQ.  

 Saturday morning Bill put the brake pads on, it just took him a hour, he owned a garage in Arkansas for 30 years.  His wife Carole is a hairdresser. The weather turned lousy again, we had a thunder and lightening storm with heavy rain.  We pulled the big slide in, we don't have a problem with the leak while closed.  Makes it pretty cozy.  Ducks won!

Sunday we woke up to a beautiful day, took a nice long walk on some back roads to let Luci run, she had a case of cabin fever too.  Sunday afternoons at 2 there is a ice cream social, we skipped the ice cream but we socialized anyway.  After we played Pegs and Jokers again.  Did I say it was more fun when we win?  Hmmm, the guys sure get  cocky!

Monday we took Luci and headed to Corpus Christi for some errands.  Gary needed to see a dermatologist, he'd found one clinic he could just "walk-in", well two hours later he came out.  He had a couple of those pre-cancer spots frozen.  Our next stop was to the beauty supply to pick up some hair color.  After about a half hour I left with my color, long story I won't get into.  We had a huge grocery list so we decided to go to the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi commissary.  Closed Mondays, Rats!  The NEX was open though, Gary was thrilled to find a large bottle of Jim Beam for $19.95 with no tax.  I found some Jacob's Creek Cab for $6.00 that has a screw cap.  Sometimes you get what you pay for.  We found the fam camp right on the water, they had a trail along the beach so we let Luci go play.  Of course the first thing she does is roll and roll, it must feel real good, I'll have to try it.  Then she found a blue crab on the beach and "urged" it back in the ocean.  He had his claws up, looked like it might hurt her nose if she got too close. 

The weather has been perfect since the lightning storm Saturday.  Wednesday night happy hour was held at the local winery, Winery by the Sea, everyone met up in the parking lot of the club house to car pool.  We met a new couple in "town" Robert and Diana from Edmonds, Wa. and rode with them.  Not only are they Seahawk fans but they are also geo cachers.  They have been full-timing for 9 years. I didn't buy any wine, no screw caps.  After, we joined Bob and Sharon and Dick and Gail at Rusty's bar and grill for dinner on Fulton Beach Road.  Our first time there, the food was pretty good, I'd go back.  Most of us just had water to drink, we'd had plenty of "tastes" at the winery.

Happy Thanksgiving!  This was our second turkey day away from Salem.  We missed the family but it was sure nice just to make a salad.  The park provided 10 turkeys and mashed potatoes and everything else was pot luck.  Betty, the new cook, did a great job.  Gary, Bob and Dick carved the birds. The dinner that started at 2 was well attended, about 90 people were there.  Somebody made peanut butter chocolate bars.  MMMMMM.  After we played Pegs and Jokers.  Girls rule!  HaHaHa, we had to be back to the coach by 7:30 to watch the Seahawks beat the 49ers.  Yea!


Gary and Pam

                                           P & J group, l to r Carole, Gary, Gail, Bob and me

                                         The elusive blue herron
                                         Finally caught up with him, Gary snuck up to the gate very quietly

                                         Gary and Luci at NAS beach

                                        Luci and the blue crab
                                         Ahh it feels so good here

                                         There's no way to describe this feeling
                                         Gary, Bob and Dick carving the birds

                                         The golf carts lined up at the club house

                                         Three pool tables full of food

                                        Our group, Gary, me, Robert, Diana, Bob, Sharon and Gail, Dick took pic
                                          Bring on the food
                                         Wind swept trees along Fulton Beach Road

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Winter days in Rockport

Well the promised cold snap arrived, it's so cold the mosquitos need jackets!  We haven't been able to do our morning walk along Fulton Beach Road, I've been to Snap several times but it's not as much fun as our strolls along the waterfront.   The fat quarter (fabric) I ordered arrived from Nebraska so I've been able to do some quilting.

 Wednesday night the new cook here at the park made her first dinner.  She prepared meatloaf, gravy, broccoli, rolls and pumpkin pie all for $6.00 each.  What a bargain and it was delish!  I thought it was pretty brave of her to do meatloaf right off the bang, everyone has their own favorite.  Of course before dinner we have our happy hour, it just started pouring rain so Gary raced back to the coach to close the big slide to see if that would stop the leak.  It did, although just temporary, when we slid it back out the deluge started again.  We found out our appointment at the Fleetwood factory in Decatur, In. is on April 6th.  The company has a Class C  MH we can use while the work is going on.  It changed our itinerary but       Oh Well!

At Friday night happy hour we met a couple from Eugene, Oregon, Bill and I forgot her name.  After happy hour Bob and Sharon, Bill and ?? and Gary and I crossed the Aransas Bay Bridge to Lamar to have dinner at Pops.  It had the usual tavern fare but pretty tasty.  I'll have to find out Bill's wife's name before the next get together. 

Saturday was our first potluck of the winter.  Of course it was preceded by happy hour.  My newest best friend Angie had brought some home made canned bread and butter pickles.  I raved about them so much she "made" me take the leftovers home. Mmmmmmm.

Sunday it was still cold, I stayed in and quilted and watched football, Gary pretty much paced, he had cabin fever big time.  Our Seahawks lost.  We skipped the ice cream social but did play Pegs and Jokers after.

Monday night we had Dick and Gail over for a grilled salmon dinner  that Micah (our son-in-law) caught on the Columbia River last August.  Their last permanent residence was in Tacoma so I figured they would appreciate some good old northwest fish. Thanks, Micah.  The weather is slowly getting warmer.

Have you ever seen a tour bus pull up and unload a bunch of "old" folks?  Well we are now a member of that group.  At 6:00am Wednesday we got on Big Time  Travels tour bus for Progresso Mexico with Bob and Sharon and Steve and Marty, an almost 400 mile rt, crossing over at Brownsville.  We arrived about 10,unloaded and headed off shopping.  Progresso is a normal Mexican border town, dirty and dusty, shops and vendors lined up on sidewalks, people hawking their wares as you walk by.  There is big business here for dentists and pharmacies, including animal pharmacies.  Several people from the bus really loaded up on prescription drugs.  I almost bought some heartworm medicine for Luci but decided against, the packaging looked different, I just didn't want her to take something I wasn't sure about.  Before lunch, Sharon and I decided to have a $7.00 manicure, the nail salon was located right next to (one of many, many) pharmacies.  The pharmacy had a dancing pharmacist out front, a cute little guy about 2 danced with him, a car pulled up and a lady jumps out of the back seat and dances too.  My manicure was finished, as I was waiting for Sharon,  I noticed Gary across the street taking a picture of the guy.  So what else  could I do but jump up and go outside for my dance.  What I didn't realize, Gary was taking a video.  If you can't pick up the video from my pic's, log onto Gary's facebook page if you'd like to see me making a fool of myself.  The six of us had lunch at Alturro's, supposedly the best restaurant in town, it was good, at first I was afraid it might be expensive since they had linen tablecloths.  The prices weren't too bad and the food was good with some entrees having a different twist.  And the margarita's!  Yum Yum Yum.  Our bus left 3:00, we got through customs fairly quickly and left the border about 4:00.  I was taking a nice little nap when the bus made a stop at a produce plus souvenir stand.  I stayed on huddled under my blanket trying to snooze when Gary knocked on the window wanted me to come out and see some pottery.  He was looking for a pot to hold an outdoor plant in town but nothing was just "right" but he found the perfect one there.  Back on the bus, snoozing again till the rest area.  We ended up getting home to Bayview about 8:00.  Our tour guide, Judy, was a real kick and real tall, the bus driver Gail reminded us of our 92 year old neighbor's son.  Thanks to Dick and Gail for taking care of Luci!  They said she was a real gem, made me wonder who's dog they'd taken care of.

That's it for this week,


Gary and Pam
                                          typical happy hour
                                         My filthy car after the rain
                                          Gary and Luci in new dog yard across from our spot
                                         Home sweet home in Bayview
                                         Views from Fulton Beach Road
                                         Huddled over Blue Herron, brrrr
                                         Luci on one of the fishing piers
                                          I just love this house along Fulton Beach Rd
                                         Texans are mighty proud of their state
                                          Egret we saw on our walk
                                         Aransas Bay bridge under consruction
                                           Downtown Progresso
                                         Sidewalk vendors
                                         If you want to see me being silly, watch this
                                          Lunch at Alturro's, l to r, Marty, Sharon, Bob, me Gary and Steve
                                         The end of the trip, Gary, me, Judy and Gail

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I managed to hit the magic button again unknowingly.  I haven't done that in a while.

As I was saying---   They must have laced our free lunch with a memory blocker. After we dropped off the coach we went to Caroline's Turtle Bay for breakfast, we've heard they have great corned beef hash, Gary's favorite.  I ate his eggs and a Texas size pancake.  I shared part of it with Gary but still barely made a dent in it, it was literally the size of the plate.  Tasty though.  We had until about 3:00 to amuse ourselves.  We went down to the waterfront, there were several geo caches in the area, the first two were DFN (did not find) we persevered on, finding about 7 more after that.  The mosquitos  were out in force.  We took Luci to the dog park to let her run free about 12:00, leaving about 1:00.  The weather forecast for the next week is going to be cooling down starting Tuesday about 1:00.  He was right on, as we walked out of the park it was like one second it was warm then cool the next.  In the following hour the temperature dropped from 77 to 60.  We had lunch at MoonDog's one of the first places we ate at last year.  The restaurant is right on the water, we watched the oyster boats come in trying to beat the nasty weather, by then the wind came up and there were white caps forming. We picked up the coach and headed back to the park.  Just as Gary was getting ready to park it he had a call from Cara, the Fleetwood Service Rep he's been talking with so much I think we should put her on our Christmas card list.  Anyway.  We got the unwelcome news we have to take the coach back to Decatur, In.*##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not exactly on our travel itinerary.  We don't know the timeline, but we absolutely don't want to take it back during the winter.  That is why I sounded so cranky a while ago about Fleetwood, I know the RV industry isn't keen on quality control but---

That's all for now, maybe we'll do something more interesting next week.


Gary and Pam

Not many pictures, sorry
                                                   Gary's drip containment system
                                         Flexible cutting board taped to top of microwave
                                          Oyster boat before wind came up
                                         We need to find out what kind of shrub, flower looks like Dogwood variety

Our first week in Rockport

We are enjoying being back in Rockport getting together with friends.  We just love the Gulf area, the smells, the sunshine and beauty.  We haven't any sightseeing, just hung around the park and Rockport. 

Thursday, Nov. 6th,  We've been starting our day walking a 3 mile round trip along Fulton Beach Road, I kept meaning to take some pictures of our scenic route, but I only remember when we round the curve to Aransas (pronounced a-ran-ses) Bay.  We generally spot egrets, blue herons, gulls of course, and the nutty pelicans.  It is so funny to watch the pelicans flying along then just dive into the water like they're committing hari kari.  The weather forecast has been for heavy rain, they nailed it.  It's a bit sloppy around here.  After dinner we played Pegs and Jokers, with Bill and Carol, Gail and RJ and a new couple we just met, Pat and Ron. 

Friday, Nov. 7th, Boy did we get the rain they forecast, about 2 inches in a little over 24 hours.  We pretty much just hung around the coach until 4.  Happy Hour Friday.  I tried a new recipe, marinated skirt steak, kind of an oriental flavor, it was just ok, I probably won't make it again.

Saturday, Nov. 8th, We woke up to a beautiful day, Gary rode 17 miles, up to the donut shop in
Rockport and back.  Luci and I did our morning walk on the beach road, I don't know what her problem was, I had to drag her most of the 3 miles.  It was a bit hot and muggy but I think she felt it wasn't right without Gary.  We went up to La Mar with RJ and Gail and Bob and Sharon, across the bay from here, maybe 6 miles.  They were holding a Saturday Market, we had visions of craft vendors and were sorely disappointed when most of the "stuff" looked like garage sale fodder. They were serving lunch, we all had the brisket sandwich and a beer. Good friends, good food and a beautiful day, it doesn't get any better than that.  After dinner we went to the clubhouse to play Mexican Train with Bill, Carol and Alice.  Oh and the Ducks won!

Sunday, Nov. 9th, Another beautiful day for our walk along the beach road.  Last year when we were here the weather was way below average so we didn't have any issues with mosquitos.  This year since it's been so nice the mosquitos are armed with bayonets.  They usually don't bother me, I guess they don't like my blood, but Gary must be really deliscious!  Since it's Sunday, it 's ice cream social time and we followed that up with another few rounds of Pegs and Jokers.  For dinner I cooked the pork chops I'd bought at Pawlek's Meat Market, they were just as good as I remembered.  Last year when we left here for Tucson in January I'd stocked up  with several packages to enjoy on the road.

Monday, Nov. 10th, Oh, just another day in Paradise, started the day with our usual walk, this time Gary went along so Luci was happy.  (yes, she does rule our lives)   I got sad news today, my friend Jane passed away after a short bout with cancer.  She was the matriarch of our Red Hat group, one of the loveliest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.  I had just put a card in the mail for her when I got the e-mail she was gone.  Jane, you will be missed.

Tuesday, Nov. 11th,  Remember all the rain we had earlier in the week?  I failed to mention our leak was back with a vengeance!  Gary jury rigged up a drip system to keep the water from getting everywhere.  He filled up a bowl (see picture) that he had to dump several times.  Well, we were able to get an appointment at Ron Hoover RV to hopefully fix the issue since the guys in Coburg ultimately failed.  We had to have the coach there by 8:00, oh man, we usually are barely up by then.  I hate alarm clocks!  Gary has spent a lot of time with Fleetwood Service back in Decatur, In., trying to sort out the problem.  Way back last Febuary I was telling Ray (our salesman) that I wouldn't buy another Fleetwood product, back in the late 70's our travel trailer was a Prowler (Fleetwood product) somehow got a hole on top, leaked water for a period of time, when we discovered the floor was soft we had to have them actually take the entire trailer apart to put in a new floor since it was just particle board the glue just melted.  Then last year we had that issue with our old coach and now this.  What I didn't realize at the time I said that I was standing in the coach we really liked and it was a Fleetwood.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rockport or bust

Friday, Oct. 31,  About 1am last night we were treated to a thunder and lightning storm with heavy rain.  I hate lightning, fortunately the blind blocked out the flashes.  When I opened the blinds in the morning it looked like the rain hardly settled the dust.  The deer were all around, maybe waiting for the neighbor lady to come out with more corn.  They're just like seagulls, when they see food they all flock to the source.  We've seen many bucks and also little babies too, very cute, with those big brown eyes staring at you how in the world could you shoot one?
We drove up to Johnson City, about 30 miles, named after LBJ's father who donated the land for the town.  The Johnson's have lived in the Texas Hill Country for over a century, his grandparents settled there in the 1867.  The park's  two districts, one in Johnson City where the original Johnson settlement has been preserved and his boyhood home that his family moved into in 1913 when he was 5.  Down the road about 14 miles to Stonewall the the LBJ Ranch, better known as the Texas White House.  The boyhood home is restored to the 1920's, one crazy thing, the porch ceilings were painted baby blue to keep the wasps and other nasty bugs from nesting there, it seems they are fooled and think it's the sky.  His father, a politician, was sort of wealthy, he bought the house for $3,000, todays money it would be more like $250,000.  From the boyhood home you can walk to the Johnson settlement, about a mile and a half round trip.  It is still a working ranch, the signs on the fences state "do not climb on the fence, longhorns are dangerous"  OK.  There are several buildings, the main house, a couple of barns one is cut stone built in 1884, a windmill, water tank and a cooler house, and a general store for the budding community.
 The LBJ Ranch tours begin at the LBJ State Park, you first stop at the visitor center to get your free driving permit and a map or you can spend $20.00 for a CD narrative audio for the route.  We chose the CD, the back stories made it far more interesting.  The original driveway went through the Pedernales River and when the water was high the visiting dignitaries had  to drive through the water, I can vaguely remember that.  Johnson went to a one room located near his home, he started at age 4 because he was lonely and wanted to play with the other kids.  Further down the road was his birthplace across the road is the Johnson Family Cemetery surrounded by a low rock wall.  LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson are buried there alongside his ancestors. Since  it is still a working ranch you drive through graze land where you can see the runway.  At the airplane hangar you see his Air Force One,  You can purchase an additional ticket for $3.00 for the Texas White House Tour.  The house is cut stone, in front is a 500 year old live oak.  The house and ranch he purchased from his aunt and was added onto several times increasing the square footage to 8400 feet with 28 rooms, 8 bedrooms and 9 1/2 baths and the acreage has grown to 2,800 acres.  When he became president they added on an office.  Over the years the Johnsons modernized the home but when they donated the property to the State Parks they took it back to the 50's.  Our tour guide told us a story about the pecan pie on the stove, it seems when the Kennedy's were coming to Dallas they were going to stay at the ranch after their event.  The cook baked a pecan pie because they'd heard Mrs. Kennedy had never eaten one before, well you know the pie went uneaten.  The clock in the kitchen was stopped at the time Kennedy died.  The Johnson's had separate bedrooms because he was always working even in bed so to get some sleep Mrs. Johnson moved into her own suite.  The clothes hanging in the closets were their actual clothes.  He loved being at the ranch and he spent about 1/3 of his presidency there.  No photographing inside home per family's request.

Saturday, Nov. 1, We left Canyon Lake Recreation area about 9 to head for Rockport, the final destination in the first leg of this adventure.  The drive was about 190 miles, we drove straight through arriving at Bayview RV Resort, getting the same space as last year, 4009 miles since we left Salem on Sept. 7th.  We (Gary) drove through all secondary roads, as we got closer to the gulf coast, the land flattened out.  It felt like we were "home."  First thing we did was visit our favorite fish market and meat market.  About 1:00 Bob and Sharon from St.Louis arrived in their new 44 ft Newmar coach.  Oh my it is beautiful,  we got the dime tour.  We had a  dinner of BBQ'd fresh grouper.  Delish!  Ducks won!

Sunday, Nov. 2  We started the day with a 3 mile walk down Fulton Beach Road, it was pretty warm but the breeze off the bay kept us comfortable.  Since we did the walk we could go to the ice cream social they have here every sunday afternoon in the activity center.  After, Bob and Sharon came over to our coach for the nickel tour.  When we were in Deer Lodge Montana we toured a historic house and ranch, the ranger gave us a 100 yr old recipe for Mahogany Cake, she said it would taste like Red Velvet cake.  So since tomorrow is my birthday I decided to make the cake.  The trouble with old recipes is the cooks usually just write down the basic ingredients the rest they know how to put together.  A bit of a challenge but it turned out okay.  A cake mix would have been much easier.  Seahawks won!

Monday ,Nov. 3 Happy Birthday to me!  67, how did that happen?  We started the day with another 3 mile walk down the beach road, the humidity and heat sure make you sweat!  Poor Luci comes back with her tongue hanging out. We went out to lunch at Allegro Bay restaurant in Rockport with Bob and Sharon, it was a little expensive but good.  A group of about 10 older ladies came in, shortly after they sang the happy birthday song, I thought "how did they know" but it wasn't for me.  As we were leaving I went over to the table to see who the birthday girl was.  She (the other birthday girl) asked me how old I was, I told her 67 so I asked her how old she was, 80!  I would never have guessed I thought she was about my age.  The gulf coast humidity must be the secret to the fountain of youth.  In the evening Bob and Sharon came over for cake and ice cream.

Tuesday, Nov. 4, Election day at last! We are so tired of political ads especially since "we didn't have a dog in the fight" they were annoying.  I started the day getting a long overdue hair cut.  Alexa, the salon owner cut my hair last year, a particularly scary event since I have had Georgie cut my hair for over 15 years.  I didn't need to be so frightened, she did a good job.  Anyway she was telling me that she and her family completely gutted the salon in March, putting down a new floor, putting in new stations and painted the whole salon in one week-end.  In May one of her customers drove through the front of the salon, knocking her down but fortunately no one else was hurt.  The lady hasn't been back.  I decided to start a quilt, I'd bought a kit in Nebraska, all the pieces are precut with no room for error.  Well of course the first piece I cut was wrong.  I ran into the quilt shop in Rockport to find a replacement.  No luck, I'll have to go to Corpus Christi.  Like my Red Hat buddies tell me "measure twice cut once" I seem to get the order wrong.  Arrrgggh!  At 4 we went to happy hour at Robin's for a get together, a lot of the Winter Texans are starting to pull in.  RJ and Gail, from all over but originally from Minnesnowta, came in.   Gary and I, Bob and Sharon and RJ and Gail went to Pango's pizza after, had lots of laughs.

Wednesday, Nov. 5,  I always think of Casey Comber on the fifth of November, she lived down the road from us and her birthday is Nov. 5, we always had joint birthday parties.  Happy birthday Casey.  I started the day off at Snap for a workout, I haven't been close to a Snap gym since Spokane.  I'll probably be sore tomorrow.  Sharon and I got pedicures today, they were half price!  $11.00.  I think it was the best one I've ever had.  Wednesdays and Fridays  at 4 are happy hours here at the park.  Steve and Marty arrived from Michigan, I didn't recognize her, she grew her hair out and it's completely white, very pretty!  Someday I'll------------nah.  We have a few days of stormy weather forecast, up to a couple of inches of rain.  The temps will still be in the high 60's though so it won't be cold.


Gary and Pam

                                           LBJ's Boyhood home
                                         Living room
                                         Original home of grandparents
                                         Stone barn
                                          Long horn on settlement property
                                         Gary's lunch Pecan Street Brewery, Johnson City
                                          Original road into TexasWhite House through river
                                         One room school house Johnson attended
                                          Air Force one  Lockheed Jet Star

                                         A few of LBJ's hats
                                         Side of Texas White Houaw
                                        500 year old tree
                                         Back yard pool where Lady Bird enjoyed swimming
                                         Back of house, Corvette Luci's graduation gift
                                         Secret Service house
                                          Front of house
                                         Runway in the middle of graze land
                                         Johnson Family Cemetery, LBJ's & Lady Bird in middle
                                          A view of Canyon Lake