Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Benson, Florence, Apache Junction & Yuma, Az. March 8th - March 15th

What a fun week, we visited the Kartchner Caverns just outside of Benson, visited old friends in Florence, spent time with my baby sister in Apache Junction and visited Aunt Ruth in Yuma.

Tuesday, March 8th, We woke up to a very cold morning, 30 degrees, brrrrrrrr.  During the night we had wind and rain but at least it was blue sky and sunshine when we got up.  We bundled up, our plan for the day was to visit the Kartchner Caverns 9 miles south of Benson.  The caverns were discovered in 1974 by Randy Tufts and Gary Tenen, they were exploring limestone at the base of the Whetstone Mountains, they found a tiny crack formed by a sinkhole, feeling warm moist air they knew they stumbled upon something.  That something was over 2 miles of passageways with two large rooms with pristine formations.  They kept the caverns secret, even to the property owners, for 4 years.  In 1988 the Kartchner's sold the property to the State of Arizona.  The state spent 28 million dollars to keep the caverns pristine installing hi-tech systems of air-lock doors (like commercial freezer doors),a misting machine and cement trails to keep the caverns free of human "dirt". Every night the cement paths are hosed down, sending the water into a special holding tank.  Of course you are warned not to touch anything but the handrails.  Cameras and camera phones are not allowed, purses, food, drink or tobacco, gum or anything you carry must be put into lockers.  I was curious why camera's weren't allowed, they formerly were but  a problem with people stepping into areas not allowed also slowing down the tours.   As you walk into the caverns through a series of large doors,  the misting machine sprays visitors to keep dust, etc. from polluting the area.  Extra-ordinary colors and formations, some look like fried bacon, the caverns are home to the largest soda straw formations, 21'3" and the Kubla Kahn, a massive column 58' tall.  Some of the formations have been growing 10,000 years or longer.  Stalactites grow approximately 1/16" in 100 years.  Two tours are available, we took the Big Room tour which included Kubla Kahn and the soda straws.  I wish we had pictures to show the interior, truly amazing, especially the 10,000 pile of bat poop.  I mentioned we bundled up, caves are generally cold, Kartchner Caverns are 78 degrees with 90 per cent humidity.  Your jacket had to be rolled up and wrapped around the waist so they wouldn't touch the walls.  After a quick trip to Wal-Mart we headed back to the coach and Luci.

Wednesday, March 9th, After filling up with diesel, the prices are getting higher the further we get from Texas, we drove to Gordy and Sylvia Worth's (former Salem residents) property near Florence, Az. on acreage overlooking the valley, beautifully desert-scaped.  Carol and Al, Gary's sis from Willamina, were visiting at the same time.  Gary has not seen Carol in over 18 months.  We only stayed  two nights but had a great time, especially sitting around the campfire and watching magnificent sunsets.

Thursday, March 10th, A beautiful day, warm sunshine (but not too warm).  G & S's neighbors invited us to their place for happy hour, we got to meet several other neighbors, there were about 17 of us hiding under the sun canopy.   What a fun group!  After dinner the 6 of us spent the evening sitting around the campfire reminiscing about old times.

Friday, March 11th, Carol treated us all to a pancake breakfast before we headed north to Apache Junction, east of Phoenix.  What a long drive, 40 miles, we got to AJ before 2.  A nice park, a mix of park models and RV's.  Not really very dog friendly, if you strayed down the wrong street with your pet you were informed the error of your ways.  After getting set up we got to shop at Costco and Winco, we've missed both stores.  We weren't able to get together with our friends (fellow geo cachers) Robert and Diana who we met in Rockport, they are way over on the west side of the metro area in Goodyear volunteering for a ballpark that is hosting spring baseball, we just didn't have time, probably at least an hour drive.

Saturday, March 12th, I had an appointment at 11:00 to get my haircut by my sister Lauri's hairdresser in Tempe.  After lunch we met Lauri, nieces Ashley & Alyssa, Lauri's 13 year old grandson Josiah and Alyssa's fiance Jared at the Aloha Festival on Tempe Lake Park.  We got a bite to eat from one of the vendors, Gary and I had the Hawaiian plate with Kahlua pork, rice, some kind of salmon relish and a coconut dessert.  Lauri lived in Hawaii for many years, Ashley is half native Hawaiian.  On stage were South Pacific performers singing and hula dancing or their interpretations.  Lauri, Gary and I wandered through the vendors, we ended up buying crush-able sea grass hats.  Lauri was going to come out to the coach later but ended up having to work, dang!  Gary and I went to BJ's, the chain brew pub we have been to in other cities.  Yum.

Sunday, March 13th, Time to move on, this time to Yuma to see his Aunt Ruth.  Uncle Byron, who was just a week short of his 93rd BD passed away in mid February,  We left Apache Junction before 10, stopping in Gila Bend for a bite before arriving in Yuma about 2, a little over 200 miles.  Carol, Gary's sis, found a place for us to stay in Yuma, they'd just left here a few days earlier.  We are staying on a private lot with hookups for 3 or 4 other rigs in a subdivision of homes and RV lots, but we are all alone, all for $15.00 a day.  We'll be here a week before heading to Borrego Springs, Ca. to get together with my other sister Judy and her husband Bob.  Luci is happy, the lot is gated so she can be off leash.  After dinner we walked through the wash and picked up a geo cache.

Monday, March 14th, About 10 we went to Aunt Ruth's  house, she is doing well.  At 81 she just looks marvelous and is as nice as can be.  A fellow quilter, the last time we visited we both went out to her quilting studio and quilted.  She plans to stay in Yuma but will summer in Olympia where some of her kids live.  After leaving her house we stopped at a Chili's for lunch, not a great experience, our service was slow and when we did get our food mine was very cool, Gary's was hot though.  They wanted to fix me another plate but we had been there so long we just wanted to leave.  It was good even cool, I ate about half and brought the rest home.  The manager took my meal off the tab.   After a wild goose chase trying to find an independent farm, we got back to the coach before it got too hot, we'd left Luci behind without the A/C.  We picked up another geo cache and walked around the neighborhood, the people here are very friendly, probably 90 per cent were snow birds.

Tuesday, March 15th,  After a 2 mile walk  I spent the morning arranging to have our windshield repaired, the technician will be here Thursday, but from the sounds of it they will have to replace it, the chip is too big. I cleaned inside and did laundry while Gary worked at getting some scratches off the side.  Quiet day.  It's going to be a warm week here with high's in the 90's.

That's it for this week, enjoy the pic's.


Gary and Pam

Amphitheater at Caverns, limestone hill in background where caverns were found

Ranger talk before tram ride

Tram ride to cavern opening in background

Can you hear me now?

Thresher, one of many birds that hang around the Worth's yard
Sunset from their property
The Worth's desert- scaped yard
Our place on the Worth's acreage
Those nasty jumping cholla's are so pretty to look at, but "look out!:
Carol, Sylvia, Luci and me around campfire
Luci sharing her dirt with Uncle Al
Just sitting around campfire
Al, Gordy and Gary
Niece Ashley and sis Lauri
Niece Alyssa & Gr. nephew Josiah
Lauri and me
Our place in Yuma
Our view of the Gila Mountains from our lot in Yuma

The Worth's patio, Pickle in background, their converted bus

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