Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mandeville, Salem & Mandeville

First of all a disclaimer.  This will be my first blog since the laptop went to the garage to have a tune up.  Let's hope I don't have any major snafuhh's (sp?) You know what I mean.

It has been a whirlwind two weeks, Gary has been in Mandeville for two weeks, I was in Oregon for 6 of those days.  I'm going to break this blog into two, I had comments from Salem friends that my blogs are too long. 

Week of January 28-Feb. 3.  Crossed the 23.7 mile Causeway across Lake Pontchartrain into New Orleans for my 9 am flight from Louis Armstrong International airport to Portland.
My flights to and from Oregon were wonderful, the planes weren't full so I got to have the row to myself on all four legs.  Nice.  I fell asleep shortly after take off and woke up over the Rockies, made it a nice short trip. I didn't check my luggage to save $50.00, what a drag.  I did learn from a gate agent in SF that I could check my bag at the gate for free.  I landed in Portland about 4, picked up my rental car and made it to Chris's house by 5:30, the rush hour traffic was light.

                                         Friends Carol, Carole and Joan

                                         Playing cards at Carole's, the usual suspects
                                         Charlotte and Mickey at Neskowin Beach
                                         Mickey nose to nose with a Golden Retriever
                                         Charlotte, Chris and Micah dinner at Los Palamos
                                          Laurie and I at breakfast
                                          Charlotte and I at birthday breakfast

                                         All girl party at Carol's (center) Lynn on left Char right
                                          The birthday girl with her quilt, sharing couch with Mickey

                                          Red Hat girls, Jan, Joan (back) Marilyn, Cheryl and Karen to my right
  Chris and Micah made Baby back ribs and a wonderful cucumber salad.  Delish!  It was great seeing them and Alyssa again.  I got to Charlotte's about 8, met her new dog Mickey, a real designer dog.  He's a big guy that looks like Irish Wolfhound, Terrier, maybe some Lab oh and his ears look like he is part goat too.  He's just a 70 pound puppy.  My week started with a doctor appointment, Dr. said the ticker was doing good.  Got a haircut (it's scary out on the road looking for a hair stylist), had lunch with my friends that I play pinochle with, picked up 3 weeks of mail, went to the CPA (I'd rather have a root canal than go to the accountant) and topped the day off playing pinochle with the girls, Lael was sick.  It was fun I was a bit rusty but "did" okay.

Friday, Jan. 30, Charlotte took the day off from work, we took Mickey to the beach in Neskowin, we think for his first trip to the ocean.  He was a stray so "who knows?"  A beautiful day, breezy but it was a gorgeous sunny day.  Afterwards we headed down to Lincoln City to Barnacle Bills to pick up a crab for Saturday dinner.  For dinner we met Chris and Micah at Los Palamos, the margarita's were wonderful and the food was delish.  Chris had picked up some Seahawk apparel for us, thanks to her associate discount they were quite a deal.  The kids are going to Edgefield Saturday to celebrate their 6th anniversary, they got married on Super Bowl Sunday.

Saturday, Jan. 31, I had a lot of friends to "catch" up with, I started the day having breakfast with Laurie, my sister-in-law, then brother-in-law Kevin showed up.  Next stop was Loretta's, she just had an angioplasty the day before but looked wonderful as usual.  I can't believe she will be 90 in March.  Wish I looked as good as her now.  Next stop was Edie, our former neighbor on Lone Oak.  What a sweetheart, spunky as ever at 94.  Further down the street I visited Brian and Susan, also Seahawk season ticket holders for years.  I got to relive the NFC Championship game with them.  There was a house kitty-corner from us that was for years a dump!  Every time I looked across the street I would get mad.  Last summer when we were in town I noticed it was empty and "bank owned", even vacant it looked better.  Well someone bought it to flip or live in, no one seems to know, it's like a brand new house.  If only they had done that several years ago it would have saved me all that angst.  I got back to Charlotte's, as we cleaned the crab we had a little vino and a good visit.  Yumm. nothing like Dungeness crab and spending time with a good friend.

Sunday, February 1st, Charlotte's birthday we went to Elmer's for breakfast, surprisingly good. She liked her quilt.  It was a dreary miserable day. (a sign of things to come?) We went to Carol's for an all girl Super Bowl party.  Had a good time visiting and  enjoyed the game until the ending.  Enough said about that!

Monday, Feb. 2, My last day in Salem,  the timing was just right, my Red Hat group was having their monthly meeting.  Our group isn't the crazy kind that wears crazy hats and boas, thank goodness, we just get together to quilt.  Twice a year we go to Gleneden Beach for 5 days quilting, eating and of course there is some consumption of adult beverages.  I sure miss those good times.  We lost our matriarch Jane last December, one of those people in life you are blessed to have known.  It was a small gathering besides missing Jane, Linda and Kay weren't there.  Anyway, I didn't have anything to work on but I did have show and tell, Charlotte's quilt was a big hit even if I do say so myself.  After lunch I had to race off to the dentist (look ma, no cavities), pick up some more mail, take more stuff to the CPA then back to Charlotte's, we made a taco salad and chatted away the evening.

Tuesday, Feb. 3. It was time to head back to Louisiana already.  It was sad to say good bye to Charlotte (and Mickey).  I allowed 3 hours to drive to Portland at rush hour, get gas and return the rental car.  Since I had pre-checked in on my phone I got directed to a very short line (2 people ahead of me) and was at the gate with still an hour and a half to spare.  Since I was flying United Express where you check your bags at the gate I picked up my bag and checked the suitcase at the gate so I didn't have to drag it all over at SFO. Then I slept most of the way back to New Orleans.  Gary picked me up at baggage claim then we headed back over the Causeway.  Luci was less then ecstatic to see me, in fact she gave me the cold shoulder.  By morning all was forgiven.

While I was gone Gary went to the WWII museum in NO, he spent 5 hours there but hardly scratched the surface there is so much to see, started off watching a 45 minute video narrated by Tom Hanks, Call Beyond all boundaries and the final mission.  There were a lot of first hand stories of what it was like at different events of the war, at least 3 buildings were full of exhibits, he says you need at least a couple of days to see the whole museum.  He also had the car serviced, the computer fine tuned and picked up many caches.

This is the end of part one of my blog, enjoy the pic's.


Gary and Pam

PS that went smoothly except I'm not sure why pictures are in the middle.  I shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a computer.


                                         WWII Museum

                                        Campaign of courage building
                                          Oral history exhibit

                                          Part of one of the buildings exhibits

                                          Part of Bastogne exhibit

                                          Plaque giving reason by museum is in NO
                                         Higgins boats (landing crafts) were developed and manufactured in N)

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