Monday, November 25, 2013

Braunig Lake R V Resort

Sturday, Nov. 17. Our job today is to prepare the coach for it's trip to the repair shop, we developed a leak that needs to be fixed.  We had to defrost the frig, it has to be empty while it is in the shop.  We bought a cooler a few days ago at Wal-Mart to keep our food in, I'd emptied most of the perishables this past week so there wasn't much in there.  It is really hot today, 89 with high humidity.  There is a marathon going on in downtown SA, I heard they had to cancel it mid-way for the safety of the entrants.  It is a good thing we were not able to watch our Oregon football teams play. who were those guys and what did they do with our Ducks?

Monday, Nov. 18th  We were up bright and early to get the coach repaired. Both of us (Luci too) hated to leave Ft. Sam Houston, our home for over a month.  We'd  arranged to stay at the Days Inn, next to the RV park we'll stay at during the rest of our visit here, it is about 8-10 miles south of SA.
Usually check in time is 4:00pm, we were pleased that our suite was open so we could check in at 10:00, I wanted to get the food into the frig as soon as possible.  During the unpacking process we remembered our clothes for Tues. night were still in the closet.  Back to Texas RV Resort.  Gary said they'd started tearing it apart already.  This is a new area for us to explore and a whole new set of geo caches to pick up.  The weather is still hot and humid.  For dinner we lived it up, went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, got to watch some football while we were there.

Tues. Nov. 19th.  We spent the afternoon geocaheing, picked up 11.  We found a LARGE spider along the way, sorry no picture we didn't have the camera with us, Gary did post it on FaceBook.  Nasty looking arachnid.  This is the night we were off to the Majestic Theater to see Celtic Thunder.  The theater was completed in 1929, decorated in Basque theme, you felt as though you were in a Spanish City, the ceiling had clouds that moved and stars in the correct constellations.  In 1989 it was renovated by volunteers to what it is today.  The capacity is 2300, our seats were in the second balcony but  you could hear them just as well as orchestra level.  Gary brought the camera but left the battery in the charger in the coach.  We did take some pix with our phones, I'm not techie enough to get them on the blog.  Celtic Thunder consisted of six guys with musicians, they had beautiful voices.  Gary was a bit disappointed, he was hoping for some Irish dancing.  Before dinner we went down to the Riverwalk for dinner, we took a chance on County Line BBQ.  Yum yum yum.

Wed. Nov. 20th, Gary and I  rode along the Riverwalk visiting three missions, about 10-12 miles.  I did pretty good, I didn't fall down and only had to push my bike up one hill.  Another beautiful day, they say a cold front is coming but they've said that before, their idea of cold was 60.

Thursday, Nov. 21st.  We found out we could pick up the coach a day early, we checked out of the motel about 12:30, we had a few hours to kill before pick up time.  Our lunch was at an old fashioned restaurant, reminded me of Nopps Golden Pheasant in Salem.  Good wholesome, hearty food.  Gas prices have been coming down in the last few weeks, we'd noticed a station near the motel had gone up 6cents overnight so we thought it would be a good idea  to fill up the coach before we took it "home".  The price had gone "up" to $2.99.  Got all set up, we skipped dinner since we'd had such a hearty late lunch.  We enjoyed the evening sitting outside, finding it amazing tomorrow the temps were supposed to  be in the 40's, a 40 degree drop.

Friday, Nov. 22nd, I woke up at 5, it was still warm, about 70, wonderful, I thought maybe we'd dodged the bullet.  Within 15 minutes the wind started blowing, the rain about 10 minutes later.  I couldn't believe how fast the weather changed.  The news had remembrances all day about JFK's assassination 50 years ago, we all remember where we were when we heard the news.  My dad had just died about 3 weeks before so it was especially hard on my mom and me.  The RV park has dinners here every Friday and breakfasts Saturday and Sunday.  We decided to go, met some nice people, one couple from Pittsburgh  were a lot of fun in spite of them being Steeler fans.  They too agreed that we should have won that Super Bowl. Karaoke followed, some of the campers had wonderful voices.

Saturday and Sunday the weather was just plain crappy, high 30's with wind and rain.  Just a week ago it was 89. 

Monday, Nov.25.  The weather is a little better today, not so windy, the rain stopping after lunch.  All three of us had major cabin fever.  Luci went to Lucy's Doggie Day Care and Gary and I went to the movies to see Last Vegas, a real hoot, I would recommend it to anyone.  The theater seats reclined, more comfortable than the one we have in the coach.  Before the movie started I laid back with visions of a nice nap.  Gary was surprised I stayed awake for the whole movie.

No pictures this week, the charger was in the coach (we weren't) and crappy weather.

I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving, we will miss spending the day with family and friends.  We will be volunteering for Catholic Charities.

TTFN  Gary and Pam

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