Saturday, October 20, 2018

Leaving Oregon behind 10/5 McDermitt, Or. to Yuma, Az. 10/17

Leg 4, 10/5, off to McDermitt, Or/Nv our park straddles the border.  Elevation 4,132, Population ? maybe 300.  The few businesses were a casino, gas station, hotel and the RV park we are in.  A junk store is for sale, maybe you'd like to be an entrepeneur in the very SE corner of Oregon 147 miles from Burns.  We did some geo cacheing,well Gary did, I checked my eyelids for cracks.  We are looking forward to warm weather!  

Leg 5, 10/6,  272 miles to Hawthorne, Nv., Elevation 4,379, Population 3,269.  A pretty drive, very different geology, Joshua trees doted the desert scape.  We drove through a valley with rugged mountains on each side, one section looked very different, almost like pyramids.  Hawthorne's claim to fame is the world's largest munitions depot.  It's very windy, I hunkered down while Gary and Luci went cacheing.  It's not warm yet!  

Leg 6 10/7,  We arrived at Pahrump, a 267 mile drive.  Population 36,000 Elevation 2,697 We are staying at Nevada Treasures, a much nicer RV park than we usually spring for but we got a good price.   And it's finally warm!    Monday we drove to Death Valley, about an hour drive from Pahrump.  We first stopped at Furnace Creek Visitor Center, an oasis in the desert, several high end resorts surrounded by tall palms,  it was a perfect day in Death Valley, only 89 degrees with a light breeze.  Death Valley encompasses 3,336 acres with elevation ranges from 282 ft below sea level to 11,049 at Telescope Peak.  On the drive down to Badlands Basin we stopped at the Devils Golf Course, named in 1934, it was stated that only the devil could play on it's surface due to rough texture from the large halite salt formations.  We drove on down to Badwater Basin but no parking spots were to be found so we drove back to the Artists Palate Drive, 9 miles of beautiful colorful rock formations.  We drove through the 20 Mule Team Boax Canyon, in places the rocks were so light colored it reminded us of White Sands in NM, so white it looked like snow.  Zilenski Peak overlooks Badwater Basin and mountains on other side, amazing views.  Monday Gary drove out to Cathedral Canyon, in 1960 Roland Riley developed the canyon into a sanctuary so he could invite friends and strangers to exhibit his spirituality, he carved baptismal tubs into the rock, installed electricity and some beautiful stained glass,  after he died it fell into ruin by vandals and nature.  I spend the day lounging by the pool.  

Leg 7 10/10  A long drive to Las Vegas, 78 miles to Nellis AFB. Population 583,756 Elevation 2181,  We stayed here 3 or 4 years ago, while at the Fremont St. Experience we watched people zip line over the madness on the street.  We wanted to do it but the line was so long we skipped it but left a "want to" taste in our mouth.  Wednesday we did it!  Fun, fun fun!  Pictures of our "flight" were taken and of course for a fee we could buy them.  We bought just one, to be delivered to our e-mail within 20 minutes.  While we waited we had an adult beverage to celebrate our feat.  We played a little video poker and we won, a whole $16.00, we cashed out immediately.  We had dinner at Hennesseys, we met a group from Switzerland celebrating a bachelor party, the men wore crazy suits.  We had a long chat with one of the groomsmen, he was quite  character, wanted to know all about us, when we told him we lived in our RV he asked if we were poor because in his country poor people lived in "trailers"  He was quite forthright.   Bikefest is happening this weekend - not bicycles - motorcycles.  A bit crazy for us, speaking of crazy we saw two different men in their 60's or 70's buck naked except for a creative wardrobe.  Saturday we recorded the Oregon/Washington game then drove out to Red Rock State Park, we'd been there before hiking.  A beautiful area, this time we geo cached.  Oregon won!  Wah hoo.  Sunday we decided to extend our time in Nellis due to high winds.  We watched the Seahawk beat the Raiders big time.  Wah hoo again!

Leg 8 10/17  Happy birthday Talena, holy smokes 48!  When I joined the family you were only 8.  Where does time go?  We're off to Yuma to see Gary's Aunt Ruth.  Her son has been staying with her helping out since a serious illness last year.  We've never met any of her kids before - what a nice guy.  We took them out to dinner at "Chicken on the Go",  Ruth said Yuma is filling up with Snow Birds, last week they were the only ones in the restaurant, tonight it was packed.  

Leg 9  10/19  Off to Florence to spend a couple nights with old friends from Salem, Gordy and Sylvia Wirth. They have 6 acres on a hill overlooking Casa Grande, they've lived there for 20 years, the property is nicely desert scaped.   While Gary and Luci were out for their last "potty" walk in the dark I heard two gun shots.  It worried me until they came back in.  Sylvia called, her neighbor was alerted by their dog something was amiss.  A rattlesnake was on her porch, the shots I heard were her killing the snake.  It's always fun to spend time with the Wirth's, we spent many weekends when the kids were little camping with them in the Cascade Mountains.

Leg 10  10/20  We're getting closer to Texas, we are in Lordsburg, NM for one night.  Poor Gary battled a cross-wind for over 200 miles today.  

That's it for this week, enjoy the pic's.

Gary and Pam 

Only 88 degrees today

Gary and Luci at Devils Golf Coure

Badlands Basin, lowest point in park

The Artists Palate Drive, picture doesn't show the gorgeous colors

View from Zielinski Point of Badlands

20 Mule Team Borax Drive

Gary and Luci at Death Valley Sign

Cathedral Canyon outside Pahrump

Stone formation Mr. Riley carved

Our little slice of heaven in Pahrump

Dolly relaxing at Nellis AFB

Zip Liners Fremont St.

One of the old neon signs at Fremont St.

No words can express my thoughts on this

The crazy Swiss bachelor party

Gary and I zipping over Fremont St.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

On our way to Rockport for winter-Oct. 28,2018

After 7 days on the road we are in Nevada - sort of - our park literally straddles the state line between Oregon and Nevada.

Leg 1, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1.  A beautiful drive through the mountains, gorgeous fall foliage, it's been 5 years since we have been anywhere to see the red, yellow and orange leaves.  We left Friday, Sept. 28 for Detroit Lake State Park, about 50 miles up the mountain from Salem.  It's 90 degrees today but the forecast is for weekend rain.  Chris and Micah arrived about 7, bringing us a Thanksgiving dinner with them.  We had turkey, potatoes, dressing, gravy and cranberries.  Yum yum. Saturday we picked up 17 geo cache in the Detroit area.  Detroit Dam construction  for flood control between 1949 to 1953 by the Army Corps of Engineers, the town of Detroit had to be moved up river to make room for the reservoir.  In the early 50's I remember Dad bringing me to the stump covered area that was to become the reservoir  it was probably a 2-3 hour drive from the coast.  I cooked rib eye steaks from Costco for dinner Saturday night, we all agreed they were the best steaks we've had for a long time.  Sunday after breakfast we cached again, we picked up our 3,300th find.  Chris and Micah left for home about 2, it's sure quiet.  We had dinner at the Cedars in Detroit, food is so-so but I didn't have to plan or cook!  

Leg 2, Oct. 1-3 We left Detroit Lake State Park for Bend, about 120 miles.  Bend is located in the High Dessert Region of Oregon, elevation of 3,623 with a population of 77,000 and growing.  Our drive through the Cascade Mountains we saw more beautiful foliage.  We stayed at the Bend Elks for 2 nights.  Talena and Kurt invited us for dinner Monday night, delish!  We had a lot to talk about, our trip to Alaska and their trip to Europe.   Tuesday we planned our itinerary as far as Las Vegas then went to lunch with Talena at 10 Barrel Brewery.

Leg 3 Oct. 3-5  We traveled to Burns about 150 miles, elevation 4,148 population 2,800.  I am amazed what a nice little town Burns is, located in the High Dessert, sort of in the middle of nowhere, I've never been here before, people have said there's not much there. The downtown area of both Burns and Hines (a couple miles west) seem to be thriving, very few empty storefronts and very clean.  We spent two days here, the first afternoon we picked up 13 geo caches, the second we went to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, starts about 30 miles south of Burns.  Our first stop after taking in a few scenic overlooks was Frenchglen about 60 miles down the road, home of the historic Frenchglen Hotel, built in 1916, with an addition in the 30's by the CCC's.  It still remains an active hotel 102 years later.  We had a nice lunch talking with the locals.  The ladies at the Visitor Center in Burns recommended the Steens Mountain Scenic drive, I'm sure it's a beautiful drive but with low cloud cover in the lower elevations and snow on top of the 9,500 foot summit  we didn't see much beyond the road  The temperature dipped to 27 with freezing snow.  Brrrrr.  

Tomorrow off to McDermitt.

That's it for this week, enjoy the pic's.


Gary and Pam 

We celebrated our 40th anniversary 9/9

Cutting the red velvet cake

Our guests wanted us to smash the cake into each other faces.  we were adult and didn't

Campsite at Detroit Lake SP and our new bikes

North Santiam River

Burns RV Park, you can rent teepees

Scenic overlook Malheur NWR

Frenchglen Hotel

Brrrrrr and we're not at the top yet

Summit Steens Mt. Scenic drive 9,500  27 degrees