Friday, April 28, 2017

More pictures

I know a poor workman blames his tools  BUT this stupid computer won't let me load all my pictures without mixing them all up!

Supreme Court in old capitol

Statues show progression of Native Americans outside Florida History Museum

Dinosaur made of auto parts

Asian River Otter

American Eagle

Cypress swamp

Ahhh, a sleeping fox

A zip liner

Not sure why I'm smiling I keep losing

Monarch butterfly

Amazing flowers

Looking from World Showcase back toward entrance

Rescued manatees

April 21 - April 27 Tallahassee,KIssimmee & Patrick Air Force Base Florida

We arrived at Patrick Air Force base yesterday afternoon, continuing our tour of north and central Florida.  We've been on a golf tour, mini golf that is.  The weather continues to be in the mid to high 80's with high humidity.  NO bugs though!

Thursday, April 20,  We took the All Aboard Capital City Tour, Beth the owner and tour guide, took us on a 90 minute tour around the city of Tallahassee in a 3 seat golf cart.  We wanted an overview of the city, what a kick!  We started in the Government district, past the Old Capitol Museum and the "new" capitol building 22 stories tall, thru  RR Square Art Park, where you'll find at least 50 working art studios and some funky restaurants, the FSU, and by FA&MU, (70,000 students combined) then out to Cascade Park, a 24 acre downtown park which includes an amphitheater, interactive water fountain, and a restaurant in the former Edison Power Plant building, also a rail to trail that you can ride your bike (or walk)  all the way to the Gulf, about 22 miles.  There is no shopping area downtown, it is all out in the market district.  Strange.  Beth dropped us off back at the new Capitol Building.  Honestly it's the ugliest state capital I've ever seen, looks more like a "high" rise office building.  We took the elevator to the observation floor for a 360 degree view of the city and surrounding area.  Lots of trees!  Now that we are out of the "flats",  hills seem strange.  Tallahassee was built on 7 hills just like Rome  We visited the House of Representatives in session, they did pass 3 bills in the short time we watched.  End of legislative session is April 30, no time to doddle.  We went back to Cascade Park to have lunch at the Edison, the former power plant.  Then home to Luci who was cooped up in the coach all day.  After dinner we went to a nearby public park, picked up 3 geo caches.  

Friday, April 21,  Tallahassee has 28 miles of canopy roads, the huge Spanish moss draped Live Oak, Sweetgum, Hickory and Pine trees reach across to meet in the middle, shadowing the roads.  Truly beautiful!  The roads we took were narrow and curvy with some beautiful homes along the way.  We had a busy day, we decided to take Luci to doggie day care to tire her out. We took a canopy road out to Bradley's Country Store, a family owned store, listed on the National Historic Register of Historic Places, it's been operating at the same location since 1927.  Famous for their homemade sausage, the place smelled delish!While we were there a man picked up a large order of meat for a family reunion, he drove down from Georgia.  The Tallahassee Automobile Museum is filled with some amazing cars, I fell in love with a 1961 Chrystler Imperial.  Oh those fins!  The oldest vehicle is a 1860's hearse that was used to carry Lincoln.  The museum is not only full of cars but just about anything anyone could possible collect.   After a quick bite at Mickey D's we drove to the Goodwood Plantion, originally a 2,400 acre cotton plantation.  The1830's home is filled with  period furniture that belonged to the several families that lived there, the home was occupied until 1990 when it was bequeathed to a non profit to preserve the house and property as a house museum and park.   Our tour guide, Margaret, was very knowledgeable in the family history, the home and contents.  The  grounds and out buildings are in need of a little attention and money.  We got to the Mission St. Luis 45 minutes before closing, we really had to hustle to see everything.  Another National Historic Landmark, a 63 acre Spanish Mission that includes a Native American Council house, a re-constructed fort, a Spanish dwelling and a Franciscan church and several out buildings.  The local Friar stopped by to answer questions outfitted in period clothes.  At the fort a soldier filled us in the facts of the Alpalachee Indians and the Spaniards fighting together against the British.  It is the only reconstructed 17th century fort in Florida.  We picked up a very tired Luci, she had a great day, they have a boned shaped pool in the play area.  

Saturday, April 22,  We took  Luci to doggie day care again, we planned to spend the day downtown.  Our first stop was  the Saturday market, a variety of arts, crafts and produce.  I bought a loaf of jalapena cheddar sour dough bread and some veggies.  Delish but the peppers were HOT!!  Gary took the goodies back to the covered garage, then we walked to the Old Capitol Museum, the historic building was restored in 1979.  The dome and staircase were especially beautiful.  The self-guided tours take you through Florida's political history, the House and Senate Chambers, Supreme Court and Governor's office and suite.  We weren't able to take a picture of the front of the building, there was a large Earth Day protest for Science.  We had lunch at Andrews Capital Grill and Bar, where during session, is filled with legislators.  We enjoyed a nice lunch outside, several people had their dogs with them.  After lunch we walked down the the Museum of Florida History.  It exhibits artifacts covering Florida's history from prehistoric mastadons to the Space Age.  We picked up a tired Luci at day care, we were all dog tired.  

Sunday, April 23,  I was about to cross another thing off my bucket list, but not to be, YET.  The Tallahasse Museum has zip lines in 3 skill levels, one for kids, intermediate and advanced.  Unfortunately it's not just a zip line but an obstacle course with zip lines.  Phooey!  I can't physically do the obstacle course, maybe the kids level but I couldn't bring myself to do it.  A Blues Festival was happening all weekend at the museum, we could hear music all around the property.  Not a typical museum it depicts North Florida Natural and Human history .  A nature trail winds through 52 acres of lakeshore (swamp) and woodlands.  We saw panthers, owls, bears, deer, an eagle, birds of prey.  The alligator section  was closed and the wolves must have been sleeping in the bushes.  You walk through trails and elevated boardwalk through their natural habitat.  Jim Gary, a sculptor, featured more than 15 tons of auto parts into dinosaurs scattered throughout the park.  Several 1800 to 1900 buildings were brought into the museum, including a farm house, schoolhouse, church, slave quarters and even a caboose.  The zipline obstacle course takes you over the tree tops and cypress swamps.  Oh how I wish!  Back to the coach and poor mistreated Luci.  The forecast rain came, lasting a couple of hours.  The cool air sure felt good.

Monday, April 24  Moving day, those 5 days in Tallahasse sure flew by.  We left about 10 for our 275 mile drive to the Kissismmee  area, arriving about 4:30.  We had to put more money on our Sun Pass we purchased 2 years ago before getting on the Florida Expressway to Kissimmee.  Tropical Palms Resort and Campground is big, about the same number of cabins and RV sites, almost 800 total.  We will be here only 3 nights, it 's very expensive. 

Tuesday, April 25  A day of rest although we played 3 rounds of mini golf (72 holes) Gary won all of them!  Our neighbor June, from North Ridgeville Ohio joined us for happy hour.  She and her husband own a business there, so he's up there running it,  he will be back to take her home in May.  

Wednesday, April 26 We left Luci at Best Friends Pet Resort, located on Disney property, about 9.  A very fancy place, she had
 her own inside/outside "suite".  We made sure to wrote down our parking row number, Epcot's parking is WAY to big to search for your car.  The first thing you see is the iconic Spaceship Earth, an 18 story geodesic sphere that takes you back in time on a very slow moving ride up and down, demonstrating advancements in human communication.  Epcot spans 300 acres of Disney's 2,700 acres, it's divided into two sections, World Showcase, made up of 11 nations and Future World made up of 8 pavilions .  Things have changed (of course) here since my last visit 10 plus years ago.  Gary and his sis Suzanne visited Epcot 2 years ago while I was in Oregon for my class reunion.  We were lucky to visit during the Festival of Flowers running April and May.  Everywhere you looked your eyes had a feast of gorgeous flowers.  Along the way we visited the Butterfly Exhibit, monarchs were hatching as we watched.  I've never seen anything like it.  We left about 6, a long day but as always it's fun.  We picked up a tired Luci, all 3 of us were "pooped" out.  Gary and I went to Orlando to BJ"S for dinner.

Thursday, April 27  We left Kissimmee about 10:30, it was already 81degrees, for our 79 mile drive to Patrick Air Force Base, just north of Cocoa Beach, situated between the Atlantic Ocean and the Banana River.  Patrick AFB is supposedly on the short list for base closing according to fellow campers we talked to. Patrick AFB is home to the 45th Space Wing, it controls and operates Cape Canaveral and manages all unmanned rocket launches.   To reach the Fam Camp you pass the end of the runway, if the signal is green you can proceed, if red, of course you stop and wait for the plane to land or take off.   The Fam Camp is located right on the river, many military retirees winter here, most have headed home, the camp is only about half full.  We will be here for 10 days.   After getting settled we drove into Cocoa Beach to go to the bank and Visitor Center, which had already closed for the day, so what to do, we visited Alligator Alley Mini Golf with live alligators in the ponds.  On the second hole I about pee'd my pants, several 3 feet long alligators hit the fence close to where I was getting ready to putt.  Wholly smokes!  I finally won or maybe Gary felt sorry for me and lost purposely.  We picked up some groceries at the commissary before heading back to the coach for dinner.  It's pretty breezy, a good thing, afternoon temps reached the high 80's with high humidity.

That's it for this week, enjoy the pic's,


Gary and Pam

Our tour guide Beth and our 3 seat golf cart

Canopy road

Bradley's Country Store

1860's hearse  used to transport Lincoln

Ahh, I love '50's Chevy's

A sea of cars and collectibles

The Batmobile used in the movie

Back of Goodwood Mansion

Spanish Fort in San Luis Mission

Council house

Inside Council House

Luci's Day Care in Tallahassee

Old Capitol Museum

Amazing dodme

Governor's office and suite

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Gulport & Tallahassee April 12 - April 20

It's  only been 18 days since we left Rockport, we've traveled to four states and covered almost 1,000 miles.  We promised ourselves to take more time at each destination on this trip.  The weather has been beautiful although it's a little hot here in Tallahassee.

Wednesday, April 12.  We left Lakeside RV Park after filling our propane tank, it's been over a year since we last filled.  We arrived at Shields Fam Camp, Seabee Construction Base Gulfport, Ms., about 11:30 after a short 107 mile drive, we'll be here for 7 nights.  Our third time here, what a great place, miles and miles of white, white sandy beaches that run almost the length of the Mississippi Gulf coastline.  The beautiful weather continues, it was 80 degrees before noon with a light breeze.  I was able to get a doctor appointment at 4, I stubbed my toe about 6 weeks ago and it's getting sorer.  It seems like a stupid thing to be "fussing" about but if the big toe ain't happy.......  I was referred to a podiatrist Friday at 8am (arggghh very early for us)  at their clinic in Gautier, about 25 miles toward Alabama.   Ron, our CPA called with some questions about our taxes, he thinks he'll get them finished to file on time.  Gary wanted to go out to dinner, we drove to Pass Christian to "Shaggy's", on a pier surrounded by marina's.  We dined alfresco watching the silly pelicans dive for their dinner.  

Thursday, April 13.  We ran several errands, we needed to get a new bike rack to replace the old one that was damaged, a trip to commissary, picked up our Epcot tickets from Community Recreation (saved about $90.00) and took Luci to the dog park. I washed my car and Gary spruced up the tire rims, big day!

Friday, April 14.  We were up and out the door by 7:00, my appointment was scheduled for 8, we weren't sure what traffic would be like. Since we'll be in the area for less than 5 days now, the Dr. wants me to wait until we get somewhere where we'll be there a couple of weeks so they can take off my toe nail and monitor the healing.  Looks like I'll be wearing sandals a little longer.  We were planning to re-visit Bellingrath Gardens near Mobile, Al. so we continued a little further east.  Two years ago we visited the home in early February, but not the gardens (1) Not much in bloom and (2) it was REALLY cold and windy.  Mr Bellingrath was Mobile's first Coca Cola bottler in the early 1900's, he bought the fish camp on the Fowl River in 1917 and turned the 65 acre property into a showcase.  The house features Mrs. Bellingrath's collections of antiques, silver, china, crystal and cut glass.  I remember from the house tour, Mrs. B. would get together with her butler every morning to choose the china, crystal and silver for every meal of the day, mine is Dixie's finest with Oneida and our every day crystal of Solo Cups.  Saves a lot of time that way.  The Boardwalk along the Fowl River was closed for maintenance, we did walk it in the cold weather 2 years ago, you can sometimes see birds, fish, turtles, deer and alligators.  Our last stop on the walk was the Asian/American gardens, we were disappointed, the Asian Gardens needed maintenance.  I found out 2 days later that Gary saw a big black snake as we entered.  He was wise not to mention it to me.  I'm sure I would have been running and screaming to the exit at fast as I my short little legs would have carried me.  The gardens began to develop in 1927, fountains, flagstone pathways, and the formal rose garden and conservatoryvwere all part of the original design.  In 1932 the Bellingrath's placed an ad in the Mobile newspapers inviting the locals to see the spring flowers, over 4,700 people came, after that the Bellingrath Gardens were open to the public year around.  Mrs. B. died in 1943. In 1955 Mr B. died, since they had no children a foundation was created to oversee the gardens and home and provide scholarships.  The flowers were so beautiful, I've never seen hydrangea's bloom so big. The rose garden wasn't quite in it's prime but I did get to "sniff" a few. It was a beautiful day, I tried to envision, where if I lived there, would I enjoy sitting "out" the most. Certainly not the Asian garden LOL!!!  We drove to Ocean Spring, Mississippi for lunch, 2 years ago we met Ron and Sharon, they were on their cross continental bike ride from St. Augustine to Santa Monica, we joined them at a cute brew pub, now a Tapa's restaurant so we walked across the street to "Off The Hook" instead.  Pretty tasty!  I had grilled grouper and Gary had fish tacos.  After lunch we drove back to Gulfport rescue Luci from her prison in the coach.

Saturday, April 15.  Gary and I both rode our bikes around the base, well I just did 3 miles and Gary rode the perimeter of the base.  I had a pedi appointment at 11, sore toe and all.  After lunch we went downtown to mail some money to Uncle Sam.  We did some geo cacheing at Gulfport Marina before running into a snag at the pier.  Lots of walking.  

Sunday, April 16.  Happy Easter. I started the day with anothe bike ride, a bit breezy, the last half of the ride was into a head wind.  We went to the base Chapel for Easter Service.  The Chaplain wore jeans, a plaid shirt and a guitar, the message was good but short, only a half hour.  After church I went to the store to pick up groceries to make Easter dinner.  Unknowingly Gary had lunch while I was gone, so I put dinner off until 3:30.  

Monday, April 17.  A lovely morning, no wind, I had a nice bike ride with out a headwind.  I did some cleaning before we went to Triplett Drug lunch counter for beignets, yummmmmy, basically a gob of goo, deep fried and smothered in powdered sugar. What's not to like?  After,  we walked the beach to burn off the calories. We decided to invest some of our hard earned cash into Mississippi's economy, we drove to Biloxi to the Beau Rivage Casino...We waited in line to join the players club to get $10.00 each playing money.  Low and behold, I won $50.00,  Gary lost $1.00.  I quit before I lost my earnings.  I think I like gambling after all.  After a quick trip to Keesler AFB Exchange we went to lunch at Shaggy's Biloxi.  I bought!  

Tuesday, April 18.  Our last day in Gulfport.  Our new bike rack came in to Cyclist Choice and Fitness.  The Saris bike rack is so much better than our old one, very study.  One of the features that sold us is the bike lock built right in so no need for a cable and a padlock.  There were still 2 things I needed to do.  A trip to the wonderful quilt store, beautiful fabrics, I left the store empty handed, no time for quilting until we get back to Rockport.  You know the saying "shopping with your husband is like hunting with the game warden", I left Gary behind while I visited the Outlet Mall, they have some great stores there including my favorite, Talbots.  I bought some new tank tops and a pair of shorts-what restraint.  Our rule - bring something new in - toss something out.  Keeps you honest.  When I got back to the coach we did some prep for our departure in the morning.  We put our outside "stuff" away and loaded the bikes so we could make a quick getaway.  I fixed one of Gary's favorite dinners, chicken curry and rice for dinner, I just had salad.  

Wednesday, April 19.  We left Gulfport a little after 9 for our 308 mile drive to Tallahassee.  We stopped at the Florida Welcome Center to pick up some Tallahassee brochures.  After a quick lunch we were on the road again, arriving at 5:00 EDT, settling in our site was nice and easy, no pesky trees to get in the way and best of all we have satellite service.  Tallahassee has a population of close to 200,000 with an elevation of 216.  The city has 7 hills, just like Rome.  The Spanish explorer de Sota discovered the area in 1538 on his way to explore North America.  

That's it for this week enjoy the pic's.


Gary and Pam
Rose in Bellingrath RoseGarden

Hibiscus in Bellingrath Gardens

Mermaid Fountain - Bellingrath Gardens

Home and landscape

Swamp at fish camp

One of many statues

Live oak tree with Spanish moss Bellingrath garden

nasty snake

Bridge in Asian garden

New bike rack

Live oak tree with Spanish moss at our site in Tallahassee


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

More pic's from Galveston & Baton Rouge

Our view of Gulf from coach

Ferry ride from Galveston to Pt. Bolivar

Old Capitol Bldg Baton Rouge

USS Kidd Mississipi River bridge in background

The head on USS Kidd, red toilet seat used by sailors who had VD

Old Governors mansion designed to look like White House

New 34 story tall capitol bldg

View from 27th floor of capitol park

View of river from 27th floor

Liberty Bell reproduction as in all 50 states
Mongolia Mound Plantation

Outdoor kitchen

Overseers cabin

Slave quarters

Stupid kid at Bluebonnet Swamp

One of the last magnolia blooms