Saturday, April 23, 2016

Trinlidad, Bandon & Salem April 13 - April 22

After six weeks travel from Rockport we pulled into Salem April 15th.  We had an interesting trip and needless to say challenging.  If anyone asks, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one sees it does it still make a sound?"  You can answer "Yes".

Wednesday, April 13  Today is our last day of sightseeing for several months.  We drove from Trinidad to the National Redwood Forest about 20 miles north on 101.  We talked with the Ranger at the Visitor Center about hikes in the forest and watched a 12 minute video about the Redwoods before heading to the Tall Trees Grove Trail.  Over a 5 mile hike that takes you down & down to a loop around the Tall Trees Grove, about a mile and a half around.  The 1 1/2 hike down is an 800 foot drop in elevation (you know what that means, 1 1/2 miles UP) The Ranger "inferred" it wasn't a difficult hike back up, HA! It was just a beautiful walk down, the sun was out with only a slight breeze (to begin with)  The video warned you about walking in the Redwoods when it is windy, limbs tend to break off and blow down and the trees have a shallow root ball only 10-13 feet so can topple easily.  The ancient trees, more than 2,000 years old are the tallest in the world growing to 380 feet.   They have the smallest cones of all the conifers, about the size of an olive, they don't depend on the cones solely for reproduction, (if that's the right term)  they grow shoots off the fallen trees, which in turn generate new trees.  The bark is about a foot thick to repel insects and shield them from forest fires.  The coastal Redwoods get about 100 inches of rain but the summer fog supplies more then half of the water necessary for a healthy forest.  We met a younger couple from Seattle at the top of the trail head, we walked with Gabe and Anna most of the way.  They are staying at the same park as us but in a cabin, they're headed south as far as Santa Barbara.   Just as we were starting our hike up, the wind picked up, we could hear the trees "groaning", then about a half mile up the trail we heard a loud bang, like a rifle shot, the sound is a little hard to describe, then a crashing and BANG!   Shortly after the noise we met a fellow coming down the trail, he said he's seen a tree  bending way over,  he was lucky (as we were) just a short way up we saw the tree (not a Redwood) laying across path.  Scary!  It was a challenge to get over the tree, we could have crawled under but we didn't want to get muddy.  Gary walked down to the base he said it was almost completely rotten.  The next mile up the path every time we heard a "creak" we looked upward.  We were good stewards of the forest, we stopped at the Ranger Station to report the downed tree.  Dogs are not allowed on the trails in the Redwoods (as most National Parks), she was cooped up in the coach most of the day.  Gary took me to Eureka, about 20 miles south of Trinidad on 101 for dinner at the Lost Creek Brewery, I don't care for most beer but Lost Creek makes Downtown Brown, my favorite.  The food was DELISH not your usual brew pub food.  Our waitress, a lifetime local girl, was a lot of fun.  While we were eating the rain started pouring and the wind picked up.  YUK, reminded me how much I hated living on the Oregon Coast.

Thursday, April 14,   It was a rainy, windy night, since we parked among the Redwoods I kept remembering the tree that fell in the trail.  After a fitful nights sleep we got up early for our 166 mile drive to Bandon, leaving about 8:45 in pouring rain.  It was pretty wet while we disconnected utilities and hooked up the car, we had to change into dry clothes before we left.  The drive was pretty nasty with wind and rain, and 101 isn't the straightest road.  The ocean was angry, the surf was white with foam.  When we arrived at the Bandon by the Sea RV Park about 1:00 the sun was out.  The park is nice, no dirt, needles or mud.  We have full hookups, 50 amp power and satellite TV.  Wahoo!    We didn't even disconnect the car, neither of us felt the need to go into Bandon, been there, done that.  I caught up on laundry, the last two parks we were in didn't have sewer.

Friday, April 15, The  last leg of our 19 1/2 month journey, only 205 miles to Salem.  The weather was great and the roads were good.  It doesn't get any better than that.  We drove up 101 to Reedsport then cut over to I-5.  We stopped at Allied Recreation in Coburg to check on our appointment Thursday the 21st and to give them our extended warranty information.  All set.   After a quick bite of lunch we made it to Salem about 2.  We will be at Sun Dial Mobil Home Park for the next 4 months.  As we pulled in we saw piles of gravel and sand and construction equipment.  It seems they were just starting a summer long project putting in new water lines in the old part of the park.  What a mess, the only site available  for us had a porta potty and a trailer full of water pipe sitting there.  The managers were gone and the only maintenance worker there couldn't reach them, she is new and didn't have a clue what to do.  Luckily the owner of the park came by to check on the construction.  The potty and the pipes were moved, he even helped Gary back in!  Since we left Salem September 3, 2014, we've traveled 16,904 miles and were in 40 states and one Canadian province.  It has been a wonderful experience, my favorite, visiting Niagara Falls but Gary can't pick any one spot.  Chris and Micah had us over for BBQ'd pizza.  Last October they bought a fixer-upper house, I got to see it when I was there in October for my class reunion the day after they got their key.  They have done an amazing renovation, with Chris's creativity and Micah's carpentry skills it's hard to believe it is the same house.  It is nice to be back in Salem

Saturday, April 16, First things first, we had to sign our tax return, they're filed electronically but still need our John H's.  We picked up our mail, a grocery sack full plus two packages, it's been a while since we have been anywhere long enough to get our mail.  My brother needed some photos of our parents and grandparents for a book he is working on.  Our "personal" stuff is at my friend Charlotte's house, besides wanting to see her, I had to search for the pictures.  We introduced Luci to Mickee, oh my they had a good time, Mickee is twice as big as Luci but she held her own.  Now for the unveiling, we went to our house to see the condition after 2 3/4 years of renting it to a single man.  I had horrible visions but was quite surprised, except for the carpeting I swear it was cleaner than I left it.  The yard, however, is a mess.  Our contract stated he must keep the yard up, we've always had the nicest yard in the neighborhood, in our opinion, and felt it would be the selling point, especially the back yard, it's great for entertaining.  We have our work cut out for us.  We stopped to visit with one of our neighbors then drove out to Bonadventure Rehab to see our 95 year old neighbor who had a brain bleed a few months ago.  Edie is one of those people you're grateful to have known. She is improving but will not be able to go home home to live independently.  Even in her condition she has a smile that lights up your heart.

Sunday, April 17,  Bright and early we headed off to the house for our first day of work.  We have no yard equipment so Chris and Micah brought all their tools and by 3 the four of us
had the front yard all spruced up.  We were four very tired puppies.  After showering and "prettying up" we met Brian, Susan and Carol at our old haunt, Half Penny for adult beverages and dinner.  Such fun people.

Monday, April 18,  Off again bright and early to start  cleaning up the back yard.  We didn't think to take "before" pictures but what a jungle.  We left our patio furniture on the decks without thinking about the cushions.  Our renter left them outside the whole time, after they mildewed and rotted the squirrels got into them to make their nests in the trees.  Argghh!  Live and learn.  After lunch two of the property management  people came over for the final walk through.  We were VERY   pleased to learn our costs, ie labor will be reimbursed.  Ray, our real estate agent came over, we need to know what we have to do to get the best price for the house, Oregon's real estate is booming, I was so relieved we don't have much to do, the decks need to be stained and only 2 walls need painting.  Wahoo!  We filled the back of Micah's pick up truck with yard debris to take to the dump, we'll have at least 2 more loads.  What a job, the temp was in the mid 80's, pulling everything out and pushing it over the edge was a tough job.  When we got back, Gary hosed off the outside of the house, a great job in the heat while I cleaned up a section of the yard that was in the shade.  We limped home at 6:30 very stiff and sore.

Tuesday, April 19  Gary was sick all night with a nasty intestinal flu, fever, body aches and chills.  He'll do anything to get out of yard work.  Pretty sick boy, I've never seen him this sick.  I worked in the yard, making progress.

Wednesday, April 20, Gary is still sick but the fever is gone.  I worked in the yard, almost done!  We have to take the coach to Coburg  tonight for our 6am appointment to check out the slide issue.

Thursday, April 21, Up at 5am,  now it's my turn to be sick.  Good news and bad news about the coach.  The bad news is it  needs to have the warped floor repaired, will take 2-3 weeks.  The good news Fleetwood is picking up the tab.  We left Coburg about 11, I had to drive the car separately neither of us felt like hooking it up.  After getting back I spent most of the day resting, Gary was restless so he went over to house to do some pruning.

Friday, April 22nd  We're both feeling up to par.  After thunderstorms and heavy rain all night we will be working inside the house today.  I finished the painting, fortunately I had paint left over to use.  Gary cleaned light fixtures etc.  I cannot believe how much we have accomplished in 6 days.

That's it for this week.  Not too many pic's.


Gary and Pam

Stopping to look along the way down

Many logs cross the path

Too large to cut just made a "tunnel"

Dozens of millipedes inside tunneled log

Beautiful ferns along the way

Looking up

Slug in middle of trail

Gabe took pic of us

Interesting stump

Tree covered with ferns and moss

Gabe and Anna at newly fallen tree

Me climbing up and over

Fishing boats bobbing in ocean at Trinidad

Angry ocean off cliffs of Trinidad

PS The photos don't do justice to the Redwoods

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monterey Bay, Ca., Petaluma, Ca. & Trinidad, Ca. April 1 - April 12

Lone Cypress 17 Mile Drive

Oakland Raiders Stadium

View from bridge of USS Hornet

USS Hornet

View from Bodega Head

Luci enjoying the bay

Me scaring of "birds" Bodega

School house from "Birds"

Alfred Hitcock mannequin, Bodeg

Turkey strutting his stuff, Petaluma Coast Guard Base

Stump beside our site in Trinidad
We are closing in on Salem, just one more stop before we leave the coast to head up I-5, if all goes as planned we will be there by Friday, April 15th.  The drive North on 101 has been just beautiful, lots of purple, yellow and white wildflowers, the ice plants are blooming in many different vibrant colors not to mention the yellow and orange California poppies.  For once our timing has been perfect, seeing the desert in bloom too.  I have never seen so many different colors of green, the patch work fields and the trees having their own special hue.  We have caught glimpses of the Pacific on and off, from here until Bandon we should follow the ocean.

Friday, April 1st,  We left Rockport a month ago today, I can't believe how time has gone by so fast.  We left San Luis Obispo about 9:30 after fueling up, always an adventure.  We are headed for Monterey Pines RV park, a Navy park right on a golf course in Monterey,  The Navy sure has some nice real estate.  We'll be here 6 days, hoping to get our mirror.  We stopped in Salinas to see a mirror that "could" work, it was black instead of chrome and deeply discounted from $1,700 to a mere $1,000.  We passed on that opportunity.  It seems that the mirror is backordered/out of stock/ discontinued, take your pick, we've heard it all, even though the coach the is only 2 plus years old.  Arggggh!!!!!!!!  We pulled into Monterey Pines about 2,  traveling 165 miles including the side trip to Economy RV.  What a beautiful park, the weather is sunny and breezy but a touch cool. (the marine influence)  For some reason we couldn't get the coach level, we used all our blocks but it's still not enough.  Oh well, it makes it easier to get out of bed you sort of fall out.

Saturday, April 2nd, We spent a quiet morning before heading down to Cannery Row to see the world famous Monterey Aquarium. However it cost almost $35. each  for seniors,  since we have been there before we decided to skip it.  We walked the waterfront looking for otters (saw none) then walked through a few tourist shops before our 2 hour parking spot time limit was up.  Maybe next time???

Sunday, April 3rd, It's my big brother "Punch's" birthday, happy bd bro.   We drove 75 miles north on 101 to Santa Clara to Levi's Stadium, the new home of the San Francisco 49er's in our quest to visit all 31 NFL stadiums.  Last February Super Bowl 50 was held here.  The stadium opened last September, seating 69,003 (3 more than Candlestick) with 100 suites.  Quite high tech and very green, they have 49 solar panels on the roof that generates enough electricity for the complex even on game day.  Also on the roof is an area for up to 22 fans, surrounded by beautiful gardens that help insulate the building and like other areas of the stadium you can rent the area for birthday parties, weddings or whatever.  What a fun place to watch the game.  Time was running short for the steel workers to finish the roof area so the organization promised the guys (and girls) they could sign a girder, never to be painted over.  One of the workers wrote "Go Raiders!  The cool thing, from your seat anywhere in the stadium (even the cheap seats) you can order food or drink on your phone that will be delivered to your seat. The day we were there the field was piled with dirt, the motor cross was the week end previous and Sunday the 9th there will be a Monster Jam.  It is a nice stadium, not as nice as Dallas but certainly more high tech and green.  After the 90 minute tour we had lunch at David's, a Bar and Grill on a golf course across the street from Levi's Stadium.  Pretty tasty.  We raced back to the coach, poor Luci was cooped up most of the day.

Monday, April 4, Happy birthday Barbara, our favorite daughter-in-law.  We took Luci to Estero Park for a nice walk and  picked up 3 geo caches along the way.  It's a nice city park with a lake with paddle boat rentals, playground for kids and a dog park.  We didn't take her to the dog park, we were told bums hang out in the area.  After taking her back to the coach we drove down to Old Fisherman's Wharf, checking out the shops, getting "tastes" of clam chowder and enjoying the scenery.  We saw and heard many sea lions and a few sea otters swimming among the boats moored in the harbor.  It was close to 4 so we decided to enjoy Happy Hour on the  Big Fish Bar and Grill Wharf with a view of the water before heading back to the coach.

Wednesday, April 6th, Happy Birthday Brayden and Jessalynne, our 11 year old twin grandchildren.  We stopped at the Visitor Center to get info on the historical area of Monterey.  We first went to the Lower Presidio, I was confused, it was almost at the top of the hill, how could it be lower?  The museum is closed Tuesday and Wednesdays so we just walked around.  The statue of Father Juniper Sierra, who landed in Monterey in 1770 overlooks the bay,  his head  has been missing due to vandalism but just recently the head was found by a young girl on the beach.   We climbed to the Sloat Memorial when we stumbled upon the Naval International Language Institute in the Upper Presidio (Aha).  We drove through the base seeing many middle eastern middle age men and women, who are instructors, to the Exchange.  Gary has been wanting to buy a Navy crew neck sweatshirt, he found one  that fit.  We drove through the base heading downtown (getting lost) to have lunch at the Alvarado, a Mexican restaurant. Yum.  After lunch we visited the Royal Presido Chapel, established in 1776, very beautiful with gorgeous landscaping.  Saw the biggest succulent I've ever seen.

Thursday, April 7th, Today we took the 17 mile drive, jumping off in Carmel to maybe 7 1/2 mile drive.  We drove along the rugged coast, saw the Lone Pine, the icon of Pebble Beach Golf Course, peeked through the shrubbery at mansions.  We stopped at the World Famous Pebble Beach Golf Course complex to use their facilities.  We walked through the shopping area of the hotel, Gary wouldn't buy me anything.  He says I'm hard to buy for but I spotted a nice ring for $75,000 but he said NO.  What a tightwad.  We just drove through Carmel, there weren't any parking spots and I'm sure most of the things were over our budget.

Friday, April 8th, Basically took the day off from sightseeing worked on housekeeping and laundry.  It was time to clean the frig - and surprise we figured how to take the drawers out since the slide is in we were able to open the door wider.  Before, to pull the drawers out, we had to remove the refrigerator door.  Life is good!  For dinner we went to Round Table Pizza, our fav.

Saturday, April 9th, We left about 9 for the 165 mile drive to Petaluma.  The absolute worst day of traveling ever! (Including going into Jersey City).  The roads were rough, traffic was thick, all the crazies were out, short distances between on ramps and exits that really knotted up traffic, one of our cabinet doors came open, drivers were honking at us yelling the cabinet door is open, Gary stopped, put the hazard lights on and got out to close it when a good Samaritan closed it for us and to top it off it was raining and oh ya' still without our side view mirror.  Miss Sally took us through the narrow historic main street of Petaluma to Petaluma Lake Campground at the Coast Guard Training Center outside of town about 8 miles.  A beautiful base and campground, level sites with lots of geese and wild turkeys walking around.  Between the beautiful scenery and adult beverage we were soothed after the "white knuckle" drive.  The best part-one of the schools is food services where they prepare 3 meals  a day for a reasonable price.  Tonight was Chicken Piemortse, sauteed chicken with mushrooms and garlic, linguini, butternut squash, asparagus, broccoli breadsticks, salad bar and dessert all for $7.70.  Pretty good, especially for cafeteria style.

Sunday, April 10th,  We seldom go out to breakfast but for $3.00 we decided to try it.  Corned beef hash, pancakes, hash browns, bacon & sausage, omelettes to order  and fruits and sweetbreads.  To say the least, we got a hearty start to the day before heading back to Oakland and Alameda.  The traffic wasn't too bad and the weather was pretty nice, what a difference a day makes.  We went to Oakland County Stadium, home of the Oakland Raiders and Oakland Athletics, the last dual baseball/football stadium in the league(s).  Since it is baseball season most of the signs are for the Athletics.  Sort of a bust, we couldn't get close or even go to a pro shop.  Gary snapped a few pic's and we were on our way. Oh well, at least we can put our Raider sticker on the slide of the coach now. Oracle Arena,  home of the Golden State Warriors is in the same complex.  Just a few miles away in Alameda is the USS Hornet and Museum, the same vintage WWII aircraft carrier as the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi that Gary volunteered at last winter.  He said it is much better preserved than the Lex but the surrounding area is "sketchy" unlike Corpus that is a tourist area. We had "linner" at McNears Saloon in Petaluma.  Petaluma, population 57,000 one of California's best-preserved historic areas, 19th century Victorian homes, theaters and iron -front commercial buildings have been carefully restored.  Another word for it "funky".  Only 30 miles from San Francisco and in Sonoma County's wine country it is a tourist destination.

Monday, April 11th,  A beautiful day, overcast but mild with no wind.  We headed 18 miles from the Coast Guard base west to Bodega Bay, a small tourist and fishing town.  I thought "The Birds" had been filmed here but in actuality it was filmed mostly in Bodega, a much smaller town 5 miles over the hill. The town of Bodega Bay is protected from the Pacific Ocean by a (Bodega) bay and Bodega Head, a rocky cliff that overlooks the ocean, bay and town.  We couldn't take any hikes at the top of the head because dogs aren't allowed but we enjoyed the view looking for whales but no luck.  Quite a bit of the area is MWP (Marine Wildlife Protected).  On our way back to town we stopped at a small bay to let Luci run.  She rolled, chased and waded to her hearts content.  For lunch we enjoyed chowder at a quaint little, deli, bait shop.  Yum.   "The Birds", a 1963 Alfred Hitchcock horror film (which by the way has made me a little fearful of birds ever since) really scared the pants off me.   The memorable scene where Tippi Hedren runs up the hill to the school house gives me the "willies".  The church and schoolhouse are still there, the school is now a private residence.  The 150 year old Catholic Church has been well preserved.  After snapping some pictures we stopped at the Country Store, Deli and Bait Shop to buy postcards.   Out front is an Alfred Hitchcock mannequin and inside there's memorabilia on display and cute "Birds" theme t-shirts.   When we got back into Petaluma I went to the Quilted Dream, a lovely quilt shop that boasts over 3,500 bolts of fabric. I spent a lot of time but no money, Gary seemed disappointed.  If only I'd known.  Dang!  Poor Luci, when we got back to the coach we gave her a bath outside the with cold water.  She smelled rather "fishy".   Dinner was homemade chili in the coach, wow, I got enough jalapena in it, made ya' sweat.  Yum.

Tuesday, April 12,  We left very early (for us)8:30 for the 265 mile drive to Trinidad, a coastal cliff side fishing village in the middle of the Redwood Forests.  We'll only be here two nights, we'll have a thumbnail tour of the area. Our drive was much nicer than  the Monterey/Petaluma leg, the scenery was beautiful, so green you'd think you were in Ireland.  We stopped in Eureka for fuel and arrived at Emerald Forest RV Park, literally among the Redwood forest.  Very rustic.  I picked up a rotisserie chicken at the local market for an easy dinner.

That's it for now, enjoy the pic's.


Gary and Pam

Sorry about the pictures getting "wonky" but it's late and I didn't want to fix it.

Kaykers in Monterey Bay

Cannery Row

"frolicking on the beach"

Taking the football away from quarterback Levi's stadium

Us at the stadium

The roof garden

The girder signed by steel workers

Copper footballs in most expensive club room

Entering the field from locker room

Us in a field of dirt
Woodpecker at Monterey Pines RV park
Fisherman's Wharf Monterey
Homeless man and his dog near Fisherman's wharf
Estero Park, Monterey
Headless Father Sierra
Royal Presidio Chapel
Large succulent on grounds of chapel
Ocean view along 17 Mile Drive