Thursday, February 27, 2014


We've just settled in at Colorado River Oasis RV Resort on the Colorado River at Eherenberg Arizona, just off I-10 heading towards Los Angeles.

For those of you who asked I've included a picture of our new home, am still trying to find where I put things.  You'd think it would be easy in about 500 sq. ft.  Not.  I still don't recognize it when coming back from a walk, I notice my car before the MH.

Phoenix as many, many dry rivers, the great thing is most of them have paved multi-use trails running along side.  We found a string of geo caches along the New River, the minimum space between caches is .10 mile, we found 7 along the New River making it about a mile and a half walk.  Luci enjoys every minute of our geo cacheing.  We put a tracker on her when we were in Ft. Sam Houston, she walks half again as much as us.  The RV Resort has a little cafĂ©, Fat Freddies, so we stopped for lunch before going back to the coach.  Signs on the wall say "never trust a skinny cook", we never saw Fat Freddie so don't know for sure if he is plump.  My baby sister Laurie came to dinner, I fixed BBQ'd lamb chops (for the first time ever) that turned out perfect.  She's been sick with the "crud" for a couple of weeks.

Lauri made an appointment for me with her hairdresser, it was in Chandler, clear across metro Phoenix, I asked her how long it would take to get there, an HOUR, changing freeways 3 times.  The salon was quite large, the stylists were all private contractors, it was fun to be in that atmosphere again, you'll find all kinds of "looks" on them, from purple hair with tattoo's all over to conservative.  Candyce was fairly conservative. The hair cut is nice, a little shorter than usual but "it'll grow".  Gary drove me, (thank goodness) while I was getting my hair cut he surprised me by getting the car washed.  Lauri had told us about a brew pub in the area that was supposedly the "best in the world" so off we went.  It was "OK" but by far not the world's best.  We called Gary's much older sister to wish her a happy birthday.  They are getting ready to drive Route 66 in their 50's something Mercury with another couple, they are planning to be gone 6-8 weeks.

As you know Phoenix is a mecca for baseball spring training.  We decided to go to Surprise Civic Center to pick up another string of geo caches, thinking Saturday would be a good day no one would be around.  Wrong, right next to the Civic Center was a huge park, including a dog park.  We did take Luci in for a while.  As we walked around we ran into the stadium where the Royals and the Rangers play their games, talk about bad timing.  We really had to be in our stealth mode so no one would "muggle" the cache.  We picked up 15 caches, atleast these were in a circle so we didn't have to retrace our steps.  When we got back to the park we rode our bikes around, bonanza, I found a park model home giving away oranges and grapefruit.  They were pretty good except for the seeds.

Sunday we went to church service in the park.  When we got back I changed our itinerary, to shorten the miles we have to take to Salem, originally we were going to be in Yuma but now we are slowly making our way north up the Colorado River then across to I-5,  We should be in town by the 14th if all goes on plan.  We had Lunch with Lauri at the Rockbottom brewery, there are several in the western states.  It was good, Lauri was starting to feel better but still not eating much.

Monday we cleaned the new coach for the first time.  I was a little "ticked" that the dealership hadn't cleaned to excess glue off the tiles.  Later we went out to the White Trunk Mountains to do a hike.  We took the waterfall trail, only about 2 miles in and out, of course there was no waterfall but the rock formations were beautiful. We had  dinner with Lauri and Alyssa, my niece, at Richardson's, a New Mexican cuisine restaurant.  Delish, double delish! The best guacamole I've ever eaten.  It had been two years since I saw the two of them in San Diego for Lauri's 50th BD with our older sister Judy who lives in east San Diego county.  After dinner we went to see the  house she is buying,  built in 1958  mostly re-done, it's really cute.  Of course it has a pool.

Tuesday we realized time was running short to see and do the things we'd wanted to do (same old story) First thing I did was call to wish our granddaughter Alyssa a happy birthday.  I can't believe 25 years ago we spent the night at the hospital awaiting our first grand child's arrival.  We enjoy playing mini-golf, on our way to dinner last night we spotted a large amusement park with a mini golf course.  After lunch we left to play golf, I won by 2 strokes but it was quite a close match.  Gary and I both had a "hole in one" and another we both stopped counting at 10 strokes.  The weather has been so beautiful everyday we've been here and this day was perfect.  After our competitive game of golf we went to the Desert Botanical garden, truly an oasis in the middle of a huge city, a must see for every visitor to Phoenix.  Like the park in Tucson, you would never know you're surrounded.   The park is exclusively for the arid plants and people of the Sonoran Desert.  I love the desert, raised on the Oregon coast that seems odd, but especially the rugged mountains and the saguaro cactus.  We were especially lucky, Dale Chihuly, a northwest glass blowing artist had sculptures all through the garden.  We walked through the trails in the afternoon then after another beautiful Arizona sunset we walked through again to see the sculptures lighted.  My question is how did they put them in the hard arid ground?  Some look like spikes or poles with no visible holder.

We left Phoenix Thursday morning for Ehrenberg Az, right on the Colorado River.  The manager must have liked us, she put us in a space that backs up to the river for the same price as the smaller spaces away from the river.  We have a grassy area that runs down to the beach.  Are we lucky or what?  We're going to be here for three nights before heading up to Lake Havasu.

Enjoy the pictures, I got a little carried away selecting them.


Gary and Pam

                                          Gary reading  to Luci
                                          Sister Lauri and niece Alyssa
                                          Our new home
                                         Mini golf course
                                          Gary lining up for a shot
                                         Me celebrating my hole in one
                                          Gary celebrating his hole in one
                                          One of the Chihuly sculptures at Botanical Garden
                                          Moon cactus
                                         Sun dial in park, can you see what time it is?
                                         Hut of the O'odham people
                                          Another Chihuly sculpture in boat in pond
                                         Starting to see cactus in bloom
                                          Raven on top of a saguaro
                                         Old Man of the Andes cactus
                                          Sunset at the Botanical Gardens
                                          Gary and Luci, happy hour, her with a stick, Gary with a drink

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Free lunch

Our month plus here in Tucson has just flown by, seems like all of a sudden we have so many things we would like to see and do before we leave for Phoenix.

First of all, let me tell you there is no free lunch.  A couple of weeks ago we went to two RV dealerships just to "look", we were surprised no salesmen chased us down.  I guess we weren't dressed well enough.  Then the following week we heard about a free BBQ lunch at LaMesa RV so we thought "why not" no one pays attention to us.  The lunch was "delish" perfectly prepared BBQ'd chicken with salads and a homemade cookie.  On our way out we made the fatal decision to go way in the back to look at the used motorhomes.  I guess we dressed well enough, two salesmen in a golf cart came along to give us a ride.  Our Rockport friends will understand, we pulled a Bob and Sharon.  At the end of the day we ended up purchasing a new 40 ft Discovery diesel, with a washer and dryer.  Now I'm going to miss the camaraderie at the Laundromat. (NOT). So remember there is no free lunch.

After our little trip down to LaMesa RV we resumed our exploration of Tucson while waiting to take delivery of the new, as yet unnamed coach.  We took Luci down to Michael Perry Park, bike and walking trail along the dry Pantano River, we've done a couple of other sections before, it is just a delightful walk.  We picked up several geo caches along the way adding to our total of finds.  On the way back to base we stopped at a small car show at a Baptist church parking.  Cool cars and my fav, a '56 T Bird, when I win the lottery that will be my first purchase.  We had happy hour with our neighbors, Sam and Sigi from Olympia, Wa.  Luci especially likes Sigi, she gives her treats.  They have two long hair orange kitties, George and Tommy, every now and then one escapes.  We will miss them, they are leaving for Bisbee tomorrow.

Several miles outside of Tucson there is a mountainside cave, Colossal Cave, discovered in the 1880's.  Gary took the tour while I took care of Luci, good excuse, caves are not my favorite.  According to the tour guide, bank robbers hid out in the cave while the posse waited at the entrance not knowing there was another exit.  The robbers made out with the loot while the posse waited outside the cave for three weeks.  In 1935 the Civilian Conservation Corps enlarged the entrance and built a large rock building for tours.  After, we had a picnic in a nice grove of different kinds of trees, very picturesque.  On our way to the cave we passed an old cemetery, decided to turn around and check it out.  We also picked up a g.c.  We have new neighbors, Dana (retired AF pilot) and Candy from Colorado, a fun couple to share happy hour with.  We invited them and couple beside them for champage Friday night  to toast our new home.

Moving day has arrived, we emptied as much of the basement as we could to leave on our spot at the base to lighten the move.  We took Luci to day camp for the day to keep her out of our hair.  After a two hour "walk thru" we started moving.  Whew,  what a job, not only the work but deciding where to put everything was a challenge.  We worked on it all day, then spent the night on the lot. I had to go clear across town to pick Luci up and be back by 6.  We needed some "tweaking" in the morning.  It was a little strange being on the lot after everyone had gone home and locked the gate.  Our "celebration" was scheduled for Friday at 4, followed by a Valentine's party at the base. 
Friday, while they were futzing with the coach we went out to Catalina State Park northwest of Tucson in the Catalina mountains.  I'd like to stay here sometime, they were all booked up because of the Gem and Rock show.  There are several trails, we chose one that took us up to the Romero Ruins dating back to 500 AD, it still amazes me how they know these things.  We picked up the coach to take it back to base but didn't get back  Valentine's Day until about 5, so we missed our own party.  Dana and Candy came over but Tom and Mary had to leave.  We toasted the coach then were getting ready to go to the party.  It was the wrong day, the party was the 12th.  So we had dinner with Dana and Candy in their Airstream trailer.  I hadn't had lamb chops for years and Gary didn't remember ever eating them, they were "delish".

We had to take the coach back to the dealership for some more "tweaking", had to leave base by 8:30, thank goodness for reveille to get us up and about.  After we dropped it off we went up to Sentinel Peak park, known as the "A" mountain.  In 1915 an engineering student at the UofA decided to put the rocks in a large A, every year since students repaint the rocks white.  We climbed to the summit, what a view of the Tucson area.  We picked up a geo cache then rearranged the rocks into an "O" and painted it yellow.  We can't go back there again.

Our last day in Tucson started early, we wanted to switch the satellite system.  They changed out the "dome" style for our dish, it works better for multiple TV's. (We have 3, one is outside)  We took Luci and went out to Kitts Peak Observatory about an hour west of Tucson.  The road takes you from the desert floor to 6800 plus feet in twelve miles.    The Tohono Indians leased several thousand acres to the National Optic National Observatory.  There were two tours available, I took the tour into the 2.5 meter telescope and Gary took both including the 4 meter telescope.  I wish I could remember how many tons they weigh.  There are 24 telescopes on the mountain peak.  While Gary was on his tour, Luci and I walked down to the solar telescope.  There were two eyepieces, one showed sun spots and the other shows the flares, several times large than the earth, there was a poster on the wall that showed earth compared to the flares, again how do they know these things?  On our way home we picked up the coach and said goodbye to LaMesa RV, it seemed like that was our second home, we'd spent so much time there.

Wednesday Feb. 19th we left Tucson for Phoenix to visit my baby sister.  It's only about a two hour drive to Paradise RV Resort located in Sun (Sin) City.  We were settled in by lunchtime.  A very large park with mostly park models.  Seems a bit cramped after being on Davis-Mothen for over a month.  So far we are not impressed, there is a dog area, we assumed just for pottying, but no we walked around the park and got yelled at for having a dog out of the area.  Other than that, it has a lovely pool, tennis courts, shuffleboard, woodshop, sewing room etc.  There are many planned activities, we noticed they have Pegs and Jokers once a week.  Lauri made an appointment for me to get a hair cut with her hairdresser, it's pretty scary walking in to a salon without a referral.

Gary and Pam

                                           Old graveyard outside Tucson

                                           Entrance to Colossal Cave
                                           Stalagmites in cave
                                         Cool saguaro
                                         View of cave entrance from picnic area                                 
                                         2.5 meter observatory
                                         Inside 2.5 observatory
                                         Several of observatories on Kitts Peak
                                         Inside 4 meter observatory

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Operator error

My technical skills are just amazing!  I'm always hitting the wrong button and things go astray.  Atleast this time I'd saved my blog.

Lastly, I wanted to tell you about David-Mothan AFB, it was established in 1925, named after two generals, Davis and Mothan, imagine that.  After WWII they started to mothball planes and aerospace vehicles from all branches of the armed forces here.  DM was chosen because of the arid climate.  There are over 4500 planes on 2650 acres.  The planes are from 747 size  down to small helicopters and everything in between. We are so blessed to be able to stay at military base rv parks, they are safe, secure, clean and well kept and very affordable. The RV park here is quite large with two areas for overflow.  They don't take reservations here so if all the spaces are full you go to overflow.  Since the Gem show is going on some nights there are 30-40 rigs in overflow but they say it just takes 3 or 4 days to get a permanent spot.  Besides storage here at MD they train pilots, it is so fun to watch the A-10's (Gary says they are fighters) fly over in formation then split apart, either diving or go straight up.  The C-130's (cargo planes) fly very low over the park, they are a 4 engine propeller plane, reminds me of WWII movies.  7am is reveille, some mornings it gets me out of bed and some days I manage to sleep through.  At 6pm there are colors followed by the National Anthem.  Everything stops, if they are driving, the airmen get out of their cars and salute.  God bless our military.

Pam and Gary                  An A-10  flying over the base
                                          A Saguaro amongst a dead tree
                                         We saw this avid recycler downtown Tucson
                                         Barrell cactus, always lean to the south west
                                        We call this  fuzzy cactus
                                         Fountain at Tohono Chul Park
                                         Another gorgeous sunset
                                         Some of the mothball fleet
                                         After the big win, balloons on the mirror
                                           Exhibits at Mini Time Machine museum
                                          Top heavy house
                                         Dogs playing poker

Davis-Mothan AFB

First of all let me say "THE SEAHAWKS WON THE SUPER BOWL"  Who'd a thunk it?  What a fun game for Seahawk fans.  We went to Alj's Tavern the little local bar we have stopped at a few times, they are so friendly "Norm" comes to mind.  We were outnumbered by Bronco fans, at first they teased us, apologizing for beating Seattle.  Well the foot was on the other shoe!  After it was apparent we were going to win they started high-fiving us.  Lots and lots of free food.  Gary almost won the football pool for one quarter but Peyton scored a TD just as time ran out.  Bummer.  We brought the Seahawk balloons home, we tied them to our mirrors.  At any rate the win was a long time coming, poor Seahawk fans have been through thick and thin over 40 years.

Monday, Feb. 3rd, the start of our sixth month on the road.  Time has just flown, neither one of us are ready to go back to Salem. Gary and Larry took a nice long bike ride, Tucson has some amazing bike trails.  There is a pedestrian/bike overpass that looks like a rattlesnake, Gary said when you go through it the tail rattles.  I think I'll pass.  After he got back the three of us walked several miles along the Patano River trail, the river is dry as all of them seem to be.

Thursday, Feb. 6th, we took Luci to doggie day camp, we headed out for Tohono Chul Park, it is a desert preserve that educates visitor to Tucson about the arid land, native species and SW traditions.  The park must have been out in the country when it first opened but now the city has grown all around, you would never know, the trails take you down so all you can see is desert scape.  We had a nice picnic along one of the trails.

Friday, Feb. 7th we went to the Mini Time Machine Museum, named because from room to room it transports you from the 1700's to present. The miniatures, most of them in houses, are amazing, what talent and creativity.  In my case, I'd never be a miniature artist, my hands are too clumsy.  We went to lunch at Thunder Canyon Brewer, when we were there with Dan and Charlene, Dan ordered the Mt. Olympus salad, it looked so good I had to have it. Yum Yum Yum.  After lunch we met Larry over at the Rock and Gem Show to pick up a bike.  We went through several tents, there are probably over 40 venues all over Tucson, there were rocks from all over the world plus tables and tables and tables of beads.  One geode, cut lengthwise was put in a metal sculpture that looked like a butterfly about 4 feet tall, the price was over $15,000.  Who would have thought that rocks were that expensive.  We also saw a petrified log cut to be a table top. just gorgeous.  We just heard tonight that Larry and Nancy were in a nasty car wreck in Phoenix that totaled their van.  Nancy spent the night in the hospital, she is fine but is sore all over.  They were going to spend more time down in Az but now they are going to rent a car and go home.  Atleast it was at the end of their vacation not the start.